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  1. 怀特先生在佐治亚州南部教一年级。

    Mr White teaches first grade in south Georgia .

  2. 约瑟夫教一个班木工课。

    Joseph instructs a class in woodwork .

  3. 在中学,她每周教一次音乐课。

    She instructs music once a week at a middle school .

  4. "但如果你教一个人钓鱼,他就一辈子都不愁吃了。"

    " But if you teach a man to fish , he 'll eat for a lifetime . "

  5. 我按照聘约要在这里教一年书。

    I 'm under contract to teach here for one year .

  6. 一个男孩儿教一个女孩儿四则运算,他说那是他的任务。

    A boy was teaching a girl arithmetic , he said it was his mission .

  7. 在James,Cutting做的一个研究中,他教一门心理学导论课程,在每节课上课前,他会在屏幕上放一些图片。

    In one study by James Cutting , Cutting taught an Introduction to Psychology course and before each lecture he 'd flash pictures on the screen .

  8. 我有很多老师,他们每人教一门课。

    I have many teachers ; they each only one subject .

  9. 她得教一班文盲。

    She had to teach a class of illiterates .

  10. 教员们每周在手语培训中心教一次课。

    The trainers conducted weekly classes in the center built for the purpose .

  11. 我妈妈也不是在教一年级。

    My mom doesn 't teach first grade .

  12. 教一只狗取东西并送回来。

    Teach a dog to fetch and carry .

  13. 她教一个班,共三十名学生。

    She taught a class of 30 pupils .

  14. 你开始教一门学科的时候是你学得最好的时候。

    You will never learn a topic better than when you start teaching it .

  15. 她晚上教一点课来增加收入。

    She 's doing some teaching in the evenings to bump up her income .

  16. 教一个青年如果感恩每一天20。

    Teach a teenager to appreciate life .

  17. 她教一个高年级班。

    She teaches a senior class .

  18. 周一到周五我们在大家说英语中会教一个实用句型。

    From Monday to Friday on Let 's Talk in English we teach a Super Sentence !

  19. 老师不能每个人都照顾如果他教一个大的班级的话。

    A teacher can 't give individual attention to each pupil if his class is large .

  20. 我那时正在教一年级的一个班。比利的一颗牙齿掉下来了。

    When I was teaching a Grade One class , Billy 's tooth just popped out .

  21. 教一个儿童字母表;

    Teaching a child the alphabet ;

  22. 他以短期学者身分与学生从事高层次的研究计画,同时也教一门实习课程。

    As a scholar-in-residence , he worked with students on advanced research projects and taught a seminar course .

  23. 一天,一位老师正在想方设法地教一班五岁的孩子们动物的名字。

    One day , a teacher was attempting to teach the names of animals to a class of5-year-olds .

  24. 我教一年级必修科的国文,用的是古文课本。

    When I taught freshman Chinese as a required course , I used a textbook of classical prose .

  25. 马来俗语说:教一个愚蠢的人比教一个固执的人容易。

    There is a Malay saying : It is easier to teach a stupid person than a stubborn one .

  26. 老师和学生之间的分界远不止“一个教一个学”的概念。

    The bond between a teacher and student should be much more than just someone who teaches and someone who learns .

  27. 我在上半年教一门关于文艺复兴时期文学的课。

    Well , I am teaching a course on the literature of the Renaissance in the first half of the year .

  28. 从国际上开放民营银行的经验教一训来看,规则是至关重要的。

    We draw a lesson that the rule is the most important from the experience of private banks approving in the world .

  29. 我是说,如果为了摧毁我们的自我,而你把你的老师看成是你的同伴,这样你要怎么可以去教一个人呢?

    I mean how would you teach someone in order to crush their ego , look at your teacher as your mate .

  30. 你会教一个良好的资格和经验的工作人员利用其研究谁的利益来支持他们的教师队伍。

    You will be taught by a team of well-qualified and experienced staff who utilise their research interests to support their teaching .