
yì zuò
  • translation;translation work
译作 [yì zuò]
  • [translation of books] 翻译的作品;译著

  1. 他的译作非常有诗意。

    His translation is exceptional in its poetic quality .

  2. 这篇译作紧扣原文。

    The translation follows closely the original .

  3. 凯尔特语中的geis一词通常被译作taboo(禁忌)。

    The Celtic word ' geis ' is usually translated as ' taboo '

  4. MES(ManufacturingExecutionSystems-中文译作制造执行系统或生产实施系统)是连接制造企业上层计划系统和执行控制系统的桥梁。

    MES ( Manufacturing Execution Systems ) bridges the plan level and the control level of enterprise .

  5. 1978年曾有一部经典影片《火爆浪子》(Greece,也译作《油脂》),而今年的年度关键词也非“希腊”(Greece)莫属。

    To borrow from the 1978 camp classic , " Greece " is the word .

  6. 研究背景:CFO(ChiefFinancialOfficer)在我国译作首席财务官或财务总监,是现代公司制企业中最重要、最有价值的高层管理职位之一。

    CFO ( Chief Financial Officer ) is one of the most valuable management jobs on the senior level in the enterprise .

  7. 根据英语称呼老师的正确方式,某某老师应该英译作Mr.(Miss)So-and-so。

    The correct translation for it should be " Mr. ( Miss ) So-and-so ", which is the right way English people address teachers .

  8. 莉迪亚‧戴维斯(LydiaDavis)轮番进行法文译作与自身写作的工作。

    Lydia Davis alternates between French translation and her own writing .

  9. 但英语中通常译作双关的修辞格pun与汉语中的双关却不是完全等值的。

    But English pun and Chinese " shuangguan " are not equivalent .

  10. 《黑奴吁天录》是《汤姆叔叔的小屋》(UncleTom'sCabin)的第一个中文译本,译作中充满了漏译、删节甚至改写。

    Being the first Chinese version of Uncle Tom 's Cabin , it was full of additions , deletions and adaptations .

  11. 注:此处为符合中文读者阅读习惯,将形容词affectionate译作副词“疼爱地”.内心虽然充满焦虑,她仍然带着挚爱的骄傲看着他,因为杰拉尔德是个出色的骑手。---

    Filled with her own anxieties , she nevertheless watched him with affectionate pride , for Gerald was an excellent horseman . ---

  12. 1915年庞德译作《华夏集》(或《神州集》,Cathay)的出版极大地推动了英美现代主义诗歌的发展。

    The publication of cathay translated by Ezra Pound in 1915 substantially promoted the development of the British and American Modern poetry .

  13. 第一种是「轻看」管教(6节)。英文KJV版本译作「藐视」。

    First , we can make light of it ( v.6 ) 'Despise it'are the words in the KJV .

  14. Bentley又译作本特利,以豪华、奢侈闻名的富豪概念车,英国女王指定御驾。

    Bentley is famous for its luxurious , rich concept car . It 's also the car that the British Queen uses .

  15. 本论文通过研究林纾翻译的英国小说家狄更斯的小说DavidCopperfield(今译《大卫·科波菲尔》)的中译本《块肉余生述》,探讨译作中体现的林纾翻译中的改写策略。

    The thesis is a case study of Kuai Rou Yu Sheng Shu , Lin Shu 's Chinese translation of Charles Dickens ' David Copperfield , with a view of exploring his rewriting strategies .

  16. 简述了机载侧视雷达(SAR)在1995年鄱阳湖洪涝灾情调查中的应用,并对SAR图像的目视解译作了粗浅的分析。

    The paper briefly introduces the application of the airborne synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) to the survey of flooding and waterlogging situation during the flood season of 1995 in Poyang Lake area , and make a superficial visual interpretation of the SAR images .

  17. 本论文选择流传广泛而普及的现代英语小说&PrideandPrejudice(译作:《傲慢予偏见》)作为语料来源,将英语原著及汉语译本里的if-假设句作为对比材料。

    Moreover , not all the Chinese grammar textbooks have the systematic analysis of this issue . This essay has chosen the broadly popular modern English novel Pride and Prejudice as the language attributes and has compared the if-hypothetical sentences in both the English version and the Chinese translation version .

  18. 股权投资具有周期长、风险高等特点,随着股权投资的兴起,具有高抗风险能力的VAM型投资协议(实践常译作对赌协议)倍受投资者青睐。

    With the development of the equity investment , VAM ( often translated as ' gamble up ' agreement in practice ) has attracted investors for its high ability on resisting risks as equity investment has the characteristics of long cycle and high risk .

  19. 厄休拉·勒奎恩(也译作娥苏拉·勒瑰恩)(UrsulaK.LeGuin)是美国新浪潮的代表作家,也是少数几个被美国主流文学界认可的科幻作家之一。

    Ursula K. Le Guin is a very important writer of the New Wave in the U.S.A. , and is one of a few science fiction writers who has been recognized by the mainstream of the literature field .

  20. 又译作维支伍德,世界上最精致的瓷器,品位的代名词。

    Wedgwood , stands for the world 's most exquisite porcelain .

  21. 第二是分析译者的翻译目的、翻译策略和方法以及心目中的目标读者对象;第三是选择有代表性的文字对原作与译作进行对比研究;

    Translation criticism is the evaluation of target texts and translators .

  22. 如果这样,译作一定是天作之合。

    If so , the translation must be the harmonious one .

  23. “断肠人懒揩流泪眼”?若如此,可否译作。

    I am too heartbroken to wipe tears out at all ?

  24. 第三,译者应反复检查自己的译作。

    Third , translators should form the habit of repeated checking .

  25. 作为一种行为,每一译作都有它各种各样的翻译目的。

    As an action , every translation has its various purposes .

  26. 试论译作的忠实及译者的读者意识

    Reflections on Faithfulness in Translation and the Translators Consciousness of Readers

  27. 译作乃是新作&论埃兹拉·庞德诗歌翻译的原则和艺术性

    On Ezra Pound 's Principle and Artistry of the Poetry Translation

  28. 妻定要我译作语体散文,给他们看;

    Hence my wife insisted that I paraphrase it for them .

  29. 的原文直译是「完全失去」,它在其他地方亦会译作「败坏」甚或是「灭亡」。

    But it is also translated many times as'perish'or even'destroy ' .

  30. 翻译准则中一个重要问题,乃所有翻译理论家都认为译作要忠实于原文。

    Faithfulness is an important question of the principle of translation .