
yì zhì piàn
  • dubbed film
译制片 [yì zhì piàn]
  • [dubbed film] 配有新声带的外国影片

  1. “爸爸瞪了妈妈一眼,不屑地说:”傻!这是译制片,不把公鸡的叫声翻译过来,你听得懂吗?

    This is dubbed film , do not come over interjectional interpreter of the cock , are you understood ?

  2. 外国译制片不得参加最佳影片的角逐。

    Dubbed foreign language films will not be allowed to compete for best film

  3. 在电影翻译中两类译制片都有时间与空间的制约。

    Both types of translation are subjected to the constraints of space and time .

  4. 语言权的限制与保护&从地方方言译制片被禁说起

    Limitation and protection of language right & From the prohibition of translated movie in local dialect

  5. 大众传播;译制片;字幕片;目的语受众;

    Audiovisual Translation ; Mass Communication ; Dubbed Audiovisual Program ; Subtitled Audiovisual Program ; Target Audience ;

  6. 由于英国人对配音译制片有强烈的偏见,外语影片放映时常常配有英文字幕加以说明。

    For foreign-language films there is a healthy prejudice against'dubbed'English soundtracks , and such films are usually shown with English subtitles .

  7. 作为英语译制片不可或缺的部分,中文译名架起了一座把电影和观众初步联系在一起的桥梁。

    As an indispensable part of the translated English films , the translated film titles build up a bridge over the initial connection between the film and the audience .

  8. 第5章,台词翻译,介绍了两种主要的译制片类型:配音译制片与字幕译制片。

    Chapter 5 , focusing on the translating of the film 's script , introduces the two major types of translated films : the dubbed films and the subtitled films .

  9. 译制片,作为跨文化传播大众媒介,是不同语言的国家间文化交流的使者,是跨文化传播在人类现代社会的集中体现。

    Dubbed films , one of the most influential mass media merged in the1950s in China , have promoted and made great contributions to the cross-cultural communication especially in the modern society .

  10. 电影、电视已成了世界文化的传播媒介,国外译制片也成了中国观众了解世界的一个重要窗口。

    The films and TV programs have become a medium of the world cultural communication . So the dubbed films become one of the most important ways to know about the world .

  11. 原声字幕版的中英文字幕均来自网络上的字幕组飞鸟影苑的制作,配音版则是选择了上海译制片厂的作品。

    The subtitles , both Chinese and English , are from Fei Niao BT Group , a fansub group from the internet , and the dubbing version is produced by Shanghai Film Dubbing Factory .