
  • 网络Port St. Lucie;Port St Lucie
  1. 奥马尔•马丁(OmarMateen)生前居住的中佛罗里达濒水地区从高档市镇圣露西港(PortStLucie)绵延至低档市镇匹尔斯堡(PortStLucie),是一个被称为“宝藏海岸”的保守地区。

    The waterside stretch of central Florida where Omar Mateen lived , roaming between the upmarket town of Port St Lucie and the downmarket town of Fort Pierce , is a conservative zone known as the " Treasure Coast . "

  2. 马丁的父亲米尔•赛迪克•马丁(MirSeddiqueMateen)居住在圣露西港。他曾向NBC新闻(NBCNews)表示,他儿子几个月前在迈阿密一个海滩上看到两名男子接吻,这一度令他儿子十分愤怒。

    Mateen 's father , Mir Seddique Mateen , lives in Port St Lucie and told NBC News that the sight of two men kissing on a Miami beach a few months ago had at one point angered his son .

  3. 这个地区饱经房市的大起大落:2005年圣露西港的人口比其他任何城市增长得都快,然后在2008-09年这个地区又经历了尤为痛苦的崩溃。

    And it has ridden the housing rollercoaster : Port St Lucie 's population grew faster than any other city in 2005 , and then the area endured an especially painful bust in 2008-09 .