
  • 网络St George's Chapel;St. George's Church;St. George Church;St George's church;Church of St. George
  1. 早在11月份,伯爵夫人就和唐顿明星们(包括劳拉卡尔迈克尔,吉姆卡特,佩内洛普威尔顿)在伦敦圣乔治教堂参加了明日人民的资金筹集活动。

    In November , the Countess attended a Tomorrow 's People fundraiser at St George 's church , London , with Downton stars including Laura Carmichael , Jim Carter and Penelope Wilton .

  2. 梅根和哈里将于明年5月在温莎城堡圣乔治教堂举办婚礼。她提到的“变化”是指《金装律师》中的RachelZane一角。

    The actress , who will wed the Queen 's grandson at St George 's Chapel , Windsor Castle in May , was referring to her role as Rachel Zane on legal drama Suits .

  3. 这名消息人士说,根据圣乔治教堂(St.George’sChapel)的规模,将邀请600位嘉宾参加婚礼,并表示因为哈里王子不是王位的直接继承人,这对王室夫妇不需要邀请世界领导人和政客参加他们的婚礼。

    The Palace source said that 600 guests would be invited to the wedding ceremony , based on the size of St. George 's Chapel , and said that it is not necessary for the royal couple to invite world leaders and politicians to their wedding because Prince Harry is not a direct heir to the throne .

  4. 2月15日在温莎堡的圣乔治教堂举行了小规模的葬礼。

    A small , private service was scheduled for Feb.15 at St. George 's Chapel at Windsor Castle .

  5. 约克公主尤金妮娅与她的未婚夫杰克·布鲁斯班将于周五在温莎的圣乔治教堂结婚。

    The Princess of York will marry fiance Jack Brooksbank at St George 's chapel in Windsor on Friday .

  6. 夏洛特将再次成为婚礼的焦点,因为她的叔叔的婚礼会在温莎城堡的圣乔治教堂举行。

    Charlotte will be ready to step into the wedding spotlight once again for her uncle 's nuptials at St. George 's Chapel at Windsor Castle .

  7. 5月19日,哈里王子夫妇在温莎城堡圣乔治教堂举办婚礼,届时会和宾客分享蛋糕。

    The royal couple will share the cake with their wedding guests on May 19 when they tie the knot at St George 's Chapel , Windsor .

  8. 马克尔和哈里王子将在温莎城堡的圣乔治教堂举办婚礼,而不是一些人预期中的威斯敏斯特大教堂。

    Markle and her prince will say " I do " at St George 's Chapel at Windsor Castle - and not Westminster Abbey as some expected .

  9. 在梅根和哈里王子5月19日在温莎城堡的圣乔治教堂举行婚礼之前,梅根的母亲多利亚·拉格兰还同女王一起喝了下午茶。

    Her mother , Doria Ragland , met the Queen for tea before her daughter wed Prince Harry on May 19 at St. George 's Chapel , Windsor Castle .

  10. 今年10月,尤金妮公主将在温莎的圣乔治教堂嫁给杰克·布鲁斯班克,这是她的堂兄哈里今年春天结婚的地方。

    In October , Princess Eugenie will marry Jack Brooksbank at St. George 's Chapel in Windsor - the same place her cousin , Harry , got married this spring .

  11. 上周四,菲利普本想和女王一起参加温莎城堡圣乔治教堂的濯足节,也在名单中,却遗憾缺席。

    He had hoped to join the Queen for the Maundy service at St George 's Chapel in Windsor last Thursday , and his name was in the order of service .

  12. 这片建筑群包括圣维塔大教堂(布拉格最明显的地标)、了望塔、博物馆、画廊、修道院、黄金巷以及几处宫殿,包括洛伯考维兹宫和圣乔治教堂;

    The complex consists of Saint Vitus Cathedral ( the most recognisable landmark in the city ) , viewing towers , museums and art galleries , a monastery , The Golden Lane , several palaces , including Lobkowicz Palace , and St. George 's Basilica ;

  13. 这位弗雷德里克斯堡圣乔治主教教堂的牧师表示,她听到的一些评论让她感到愤怒。

    The Associate Rector at St. George 's Episcopal Church in Fredericksburg , Virginia says that some of the s she heard disturbed her .