
  • 网络News magazine;newsmagazine;Newsweek
  1. 他后来成为CBS新闻杂志节目《60分钟》及其时间不长的续集《60分钟II》的常任记者。

    He later became a regular correspondent for the network 's news magazine show 60 Minutes and its short-lived spinoff , 60 Minutes II .

  2. 比方说,CCTV聚焦于拉丁美洲的新闻杂志类节目AmericasNow上周日上线。

    Americas Now , a news magazine show focusing on Latin America , launched on Sunday as part of that effort .

  3. 只有轰动性的事件才能促进新闻杂志的销售。

    It is only the sensational that sells news magazines .

  4. 美国CBS《60分钟》电视新闻杂志研究

    A Treatise on American Television News Magazine-CBS " 60 Minutes "

  5. PCC加填的中性新闻杂志纸纸机湿部优化

    Optimization of paper machine wet end at neutral papermaking condition

  6. 去年,Vice开始为HBO台制作每周的新闻杂志秀,这是它第一次制作电视节目。

    Vice got its first taste for television when it started producing its weekly newsmagazine show for HBO last year .

  7. 在BBC新闻杂志(BBCNewsMagazine)上的一篇文章中,英国精神治疗师弗莱(BenjaminFry)写道,放弃奢侈的生活可能会造成创伤性后果。他是BBC三台“花钱狂”节目的主持人之一。

    In an article on the BBC News Magazine , U.K. psychotherapist Benjamin Fry , who co-presents BBC Three 's Spendaholics program , says giving up the bling can be traumatic .

  8. HBO的节目总监迈克尔·伦巴多(MichaelLombardo)说,HBO台和Vice密切合作去制作这档新闻杂志秀,让它能适合电视观众。

    Michael Lombardo , the president of programming at HBO , said the network had worked very closely with Vice to shape the newsmagazine show into something it felt could build an audience on television .

  9. 他后来成为CBS新闻杂志节目《60分钟》及其时间不长的续集《60分钟II》的常任记者。西蒙在其新闻生涯中获得过大量奖项,其中包括27项艾美奖。

    He later became a regular correspondent for the network 's news magazine show " 60 Minutes " and its short-lived spinoff , " 60 Minutes II . " Simon won numerous prestigious journalism awards during his career , including 27 Emmys .

  10. 上周,在公司旗下新闻杂志《彭博商业周刊》(BloombergBusinessWeek)创刊85周年的庆典上,布隆伯格展示了对公司新闻业务的深度参与,他与来宾详细地讨论了这本杂志,并在活动中滔滔不绝地发表了演说。

    At last week 's 85th anniversary celebration for Bloomberg BusinessWeek , the organization 's newsmagazine , Mr. Bloomberg displayed a deep engagement with the news side of his company . He spoke with guests about the magazine in detail and spoke extensively at the event .

  11. 备受尊敬的财经新闻杂志财新(Caixin)报道称,中国第七大银行招商银行(CMB)曾在1月2日短信通知客户,“受保监会新规影响”,将停止销售“安邦共赢3号”。

    Caixin , a respected financial news magazine , reported that China Merchants Bank , the country 's seventh-largest lender , notified clients by text message on January 2 that it would halt sales of Win-Win \# 3 " under the influence of new regulations from the CIRC . "

  12. 大多新闻杂志都有国外新闻部分。

    Mosl news magazines have a sec-tion devoted to external affairs .

  13. 在新闻杂志业中,及时与准确应该同等重要。

    In journalism , timeliness and accuracy should be equally important .

  14. 时代周刊很牛的新闻杂志时代周刊

    Time magazine , the big news magazine , Time magazine

  15. 美国新闻杂志中的中国形象分析

    The Image of China in the U.S. News Magazines : An Analysis

  16. 对新闻杂志来说,英国并非是可供发展的合适场所。

    Britain is not fertile ground for news magazines .

  17. 两大新闻杂志,每周销数共达760万份。

    Two major news magazines combined sell over 7.6 million copies a week .

  18. 保存日记和新闻杂志的人。

    Someone who keeps a diary or journal .

  19. 一页一页地阅读优质新闻杂志,例如《经济学人》。

    Read high quality news magazines ( e.g. the Economist ) , cover to cover .

  20. 英国广播公司电视台的晚闻新闻杂志节目。

    A nightly news magazine on b.b.c.television .

  21. 据当地媒体《新闻杂志》报道,死者的朋友们认出她是艾米·伊塔娜·乔伊娜·佛朗西斯。

    Friends identified her as Amy Inita Joyner-Francis to local media , according to The News-Journal .

  22. 这场争论仍悬而未决,尽管美国报纸和新闻杂志的数量继续疾速下降。

    The debate remained unresolved , although the decline of US newspapers and news magazines continued apace .

  23. 莫雷诺在接受福克斯新闻杂志采访时说,她皮肤健康得益于多年来每天去角质。

    Moreno told Fox News Magazine she keeps her skin healthy thanks to exfoliating every day for years .

  24. 中国新闻杂志《了望》上报道的故事预警,随着经济发展迟缓,大面积工厂的倒闭将引发动荡。

    A story in the Chinese news magazine Outlook warned that factory closings could lead to unrest as the economy slows .

  25. 但是不要相信那些愤世嫉俗者。新闻杂志的代表在针对文章的声明中对政客们这样说。

    But dont believe the cynics , ' representatives from the news magazine told Politico in a statement about the article .

  26. 意大利的《全景新闻杂志》也同样表达了绝望:这是一个令人震惊、难以置信的评估结果吗?

    The country 's Panorama news magazine was equally hand-wringing : Is this is a surprising , outrageous and incredible assessment ?

  27. 第二节涉及到音乐批评实践的媒介,如音乐会、新闻杂志、录音录像等各个方面。

    The second deals with the media and vehicles of music criticism , such as concerts , journals , audios and videos .

  28. 汽车新闻杂志的分析师布朗说,通用汽车公司以及其他的美国汽车生产商所面临的处境极为艰难。

    Analyst Peter Brown of the trade magazine Automotive News says the situation is dire for General Motors and other U.S. carmakers .

  29. 尽管这类故事在我们新闻杂志上屡屡可见,但能亲身体验,确实感到法喜充满!

    There have been many such stories in the Supreme Master Ching Hai news , but to personally experience it was really great !

  30. 姚明新近被《体育新闻杂志》评为美国体育界最具实力的100名运动员之一。

    Yao Ming is the newly named most powerful athlete according to Sporting News Magazine 's top100 most powerful people in US sports .