
dì dēng
  • floor lamp;light fixed close to the floor
  1. 本文着重分析了D310转向照地灯的结构特点、光照范围等技术参数,总结了弯道照明的特性特点,为弯道照明灯具的法规制订提供了实践数据。

    This paper analyses the technical parameters of D310 Down-Corner Lamp on the structure and lighting range , and it also summarizes the bend lighting lamp 's features .

  2. 蒂芙尼巧妙地灯用铜箔的方法。

    Tiffany crafted his lamps using the Copper Foil method .

  3. 组织了30多家工厂来赶制高压地灯。

    Thirty factories were organized to rush out the high-tension ground lights .

  4. 台灯挨着茶几,地灯靠着活动躺椅。

    The table lamps go on the end tables and the floor lamp should go next to the recliner .

  5. 如果是在家里拍摄时尚照片,窗子一侧透进来的自然光也能起到同样的效果。地灯

    However , if you 're taking fashion shots at home , natural light coming through a side window will also work well .

  6. 地灯需要用来消除模特眼睛下方的阴影,同时能有效去除模特脸部的阴暗色彩。

    Step 3 : Bounce A bounce is also needed to reflect light underneath the models eyes . This will stop any ugly shadows from appearing across the models face .

  7. 仿佛奥斯蒙德怀着幸灾乐祸的心情,在有意识地把灯一盏一盏吹灭。

    It was as if Osmond deliberately , almost malignantly , had put the lights out one by one .

  8. 在我成功地把灯打开后Cynthia问我。

    Cynthia then asked me after I had successfully turned on the lamp .

  9. 戴维啪地把灯开亮。

    David flicked on the light .

  10. 他记起了父亲的告诫:“把它关掉!”。然后,他就不由自主地把灯关了。

    He remembered his father 's admonition , " Switch it off ! " automatically , he switched off the light .

  11. 那天晚上,她像通常一样到农场各处去查看是否所有的牲口都安然无恙。她不时地把灯点着。

    That evening she went round the farm as usual , lighting her lamp whenever necessary , to check that all the animals were safe .

  12. 此外,由于氙灯的启动暂态过程极其复杂,因此如何较好地完成灯启动过程的控制是一个难点。

    The transient process of the Xe lamp during the start-up phase is extremely complex . Therefore , how to complete the control of the start-up process is the difficulty .

  13. 传统的模拟控制往往显得麻烦且复杂,数字控制能够简化电路设计,并且可以使其更好地满足灯负载的要求。

    The control circuit built with conventional analog control is unavoidably cumbersome , the digital control method can simplify the design of circuit , and can satisfy the requirement of the lamps well .

  14. 猎人违法地用篝灯诱捕熊基于LED诱虫灯的果蝇趋光性试验

    Hunters illegally jacking deer . Experiment of Light Emitting Diode Catching Insect Lamp on Phototaxis of Drosophila

  15. 该系统能较好地适应HID灯的特性。

    The system can preferably adapt to the characteristics of the HID lamps .

  16. 伦敦Ochre公司也成功地把节能灯打造成艺术品,它们制作的SeedCloud大型组合吊灯就如同一件雕塑装置。

    The idea of lighting as a work of art was also explored at London-based Ochre , where a large grouping of its Seed Cloud pendant lights looks more like a sculptural installation .

  17. 面对LED灯的市场越来越大,竞争越来越激烈的情况,LED灯生产厂家正确地做出LED灯的寿命预估是非常有必要的。

    With the situation that the marketing of LED lamps become bigger and bigger , the competition of this market is also getting more and more critical . It is necessary for the LED lamp manufactures to make correct lifetime prediction for their products .

  18. 采用光路偏折的方法,有效地克服了灯源的噪声。

    The application of deflection optical path effectively eliminates noise of light source .

  19. 仁将是世界的心脏走到一起,成为地上的灯的灯光!

    Benevolence will be the heart of the world come together to become the earthly light the lights !

  20. 但是我没有选择的余地,虽然我可以让我的车安全地在交通灯前停止。

    But I have no choice to do so though I am able to stop my car safely .

  21. 终于,最后的时刻到了,每个生命都要炫耀与显示地被拿到灯下,经真理的审判。

    Finally the time came when each life was to be displayed , held up to the light , the scrutiny of truth .

  22. 本实用新型能有效地改善节能灯性能,提高节能灯的使用寿命和安全性。

    The utility model can effectively improve the performance of an energy saving lamp , the service life of the energy saving lamp and safety can be enhanced .

  23. 该方案利用模糊规则库实时地控制信号灯的绿信比,协调和平衡各路口之间的车流。

    A fuzzy control scheme of multi-intersection was proposed based on urban traffic road net taking into consideration of the vehicle information of each intersection and its surrounding intersections .

  24. 它向我飞来,像夜中的小鸟急遽地穿过无灯的屋子的两边洞开的窗户,又在黑夜中消失了。

    It came to me like the bird of the evening that hurriedly flies across the lampless room from the one open window to the other , and disappears in the night .

  25. 紧凑型荧光灯如果简单地安装在白炽灯的固定装置中,就会出现褪色、雾化和晦暗的视觉效果。

    A CFL cannot be simply installed in an incandescent fixture and then expected to produce a visual appearance that is more than washed out , foggy , and dim .

  26. 所设计的USB设备控制器通过了FPGA验证,最终成功地实现了LED灯和主机之间的通信。

    And the design of USB device controller is verified under FPGA flow . At last the communication between LED and host is realized .

  27. 一定要尽可能多地听鬼吹灯网游视频专业的英语录音带。

    Listen to English profe ional tapes as much as po ible .

  28. 说着,她下意识地擦了擦灯。

    So she rubbed the lamp .

  29. 我跳上台阶,闯入客厅,“啪”地一声打开灯。

    I bounded up the steps , burst into the living room and flopped on a light .

  30. 然而不到6年后,赫芬顿似乎再也没有比现在更得意地站在聚光灯下。

    Less than six years later , however , Ms Huffington has never seemed more comfortable in the spotlight .