
  • 网络place name sign
  1. 第二章就地名标志中存在的一个误区进行了讨论;

    The second chapter deals with a big mistake in sign-posts .

  2. 地名商业标志化实质上是将公共物品的某些要素变为私人物品,是公共资源的私有化、公权的私权化。

    The essence of geographic name being privately owned for mark is that public articles be privately owned .

  3. 行政部门之间的管理权限发生碰撞,在一定程度上使得地名商标和地理标志的冲突更加凸显。

    The collision of administration authorities , to a certain extent , deepens the conflict between geographical name trademarks and geographical indications .

  4. 由于长期缺乏对地理标志的相应立法,大量地名商标出现,导致地名商标与地理标志发生冲突。

    As a result of a lack of corresponding legislation about geographical indications for a long time , amounts of geographical name trademarks appear and lead to a conflict between geographical name trademarks and geographical indications .

  5. 对地名这种公共资源进行商业开发利用,利用地名标志的隐形价值来发展经济,是当前理论及实务界普遍关注的课题。

    The commercial exploitation and utilization of public resources , put the stealth value of signposts into economic development , is the common concern issues of current theory and practical area .