
  • 网络land subsidence monitoring
  1. 面向高精度地面沉降监测的GPS技术探讨

    Discussion on GPS technology for land subsidence monitoring with high accuracy

  2. 3S技术在昆明市地面沉降监测中的应用

    Application of 3S Technology in Kunming Land Subsidence Monitoring

  3. GPS测量在城市地面沉降监测中的应用研究

    Applied research of monitoring the urban land subsidence using GPS Surveying

  4. 应用GPS技术进行大面积地面沉降监测

    Application of GPS Technique in Regional Ground Settlement Monitoring

  5. 利用差分GPS进行地面沉降监测的研究

    Study of difference GPS to monitor land subsidence

  6. 天津市高精度GPS地面沉降监测网数据处理中的若干技术问题探讨

    On some technical problems in the data processing of Tianjin high-precision GPS ground subsidence network

  7. 构建了哈尔滨地面沉降监测网络管理系统,能够对利用遥感图像处理和GIS技术编制的各种图件和数据进行高效的管理。

    The thesis builds a monitoring network system of the ground subsidence , and the aim is more efficient management for the various images and data established by RS and GIS techniques .

  8. D-InSAR技术在矿山沉陷和地面沉降监测中的应用

    Application of D-InSAR techniques in surface subside and mining landslide

  9. 目前采用GPS、一孔多标感应分层监测等技术实施地面沉降监测,通过用水规划制定与督导实施地面沉降的控制与管理。

    The technique of GPS and intensometer which has many sensors in a hole has been used in land subsidence measuring and planned water using are used to control and manage the land subsidence at present .

  10. GPSInSAR合成方法将这二种方法融合,能够在空间域与时间域同时发挥出各自优势从而提升地面沉降监测数据的分辨率,已开始成为国内外地面沉降测量技术研究的重点。

    GPS-InSAR Integration can enhance the ability of measuring land deformation in both temporal resolution and spatial resolution ; it is becoming an important direction of Land Subsidence investigation technology .

  11. 在对GPS原始观测数据进行后处理时,只有对影响计算精度的各种误差源进行有效改正,GPS高程分量的精度才有可能达到毫米级,才能满足地面沉降监测的要求。

    When implementing the GPS data post-processing , only various error sources affecting the calculating results are effectively adjusted , the elevation precision is possibly able to reach millimeter order and the requirement of monitoring the ground subsidence is able to be satisfied .

  12. 但时间去相关、空间去相关、大气效应等因素,使InSAR监测的精度和可靠性受到影响,限制了InSAR技术在地面沉降监测中的实际应用。

    But spatial decorrelation , temporal decorrelation and atmospheric effect , not only affect the reliability and accuracy of monitoring land subsidence , but also limit the practical application of InSAR technique .

  13. 提出在地面沉降监测中可用站坐标系下的U分量变化代替水准测量高差的变化。分析了这一方法的可能误差和大小。

    It is proposed in this paper that the variation of height difference in the leveling can be substituted with the variation of U component in station coordinate system in and subsidence monitoring and the possible factors and magnitudes of the error are analyzed .

  14. 上海目前已对全市地下水资源的开发利用实施有序管理,建立了覆盖全市整个陆域与第四纪地层的地面沉降监测网络体系,并融入了自动化测控与GPS监测等高新技术手段。

    Shanghai has implemented effective management on groundwater exploitation over the whole city , and has already built land subsidence monitoring network all over the land area and Quaternary layers in Shanghai with some new technologies such as automatic monitoring and GPS has been introduced into the monitoring network .

  15. 海口市区地面沉降监测结果初步分析

    Preliminary analysis on monitoring results of ground settlement in Haikou City

  16. 地面沉降监测控制网的稳定性分析

    The Stability Analysis of the Surface Subsidence Monitoring Net

  17. 上海市地面沉降监测标的设计原理与施工技术

    Design Principle and Construction Technique of Ground Subsidence Monitoring Bench Mark in Shanghai

  18. 天津市塘沽区地面沉降监测网络优化

    Land Subsidence Monitoring Network Optimization at Tanggu in Tianjin

  19. 北京市地面沉降监测标孔施工技术

    The Technology of Constructing Land Subsidence Monitoring Mark Holes

  20. 济宁市城区地面沉降监测与成果分析

    Subsidence Monitoring and Achievement Analysis for Jining City Zone

  21. 地面沉降监测技术设计的基本问题

    Basic Problems on Technical Design of Land Subsidence Monitoring

  22. 德州地面沉降监测

    Monitoring about Ground Subsidence in Dezhou City

  23. 上海市工程建设规范《地面沉降监测与防治技术规程》解析

    Analysis on technical specification for land subsidence monitor and control , Shanghai engineering construction standard

  24. 上海地面沉降监测技术方法

    Level monitoring method of Shanghai land subsidence

  25. 城市地面沉降监测的研究

    Research on Settlement Monitoring of Urban Ground

  26. 基于集对分析的上海地面沉降监测数据处理

    The monitoring data processing of the ground settlement in Shanghai based on the set pair analysis

  27. 福州市温泉区地面沉降监测与沉降规律分析基坑降水引起地表沉降过程数值模拟

    Monitoring of Earth Subsidence and Analysing of Earth Subsidence Regularity in Hot Spring District of Fuzhou City

  28. 矿区地面沉降监测是矿山开采与可持续发展的重要组成部分。

    So monitoring land surface subsidence in mining area is an important part of coal mining and sustainable development .

  29. 针对地铁施工中沉降监测主要任务及基本方法进行了总结,对盾构施工中的地面沉降监测的方法和数据分析有一定的指导意义。

    This article sums up the main tasks and basic methods of settlement supervising aimed at subway construction , provides direction signification to supervising methods of surface settlement and data analysis in TBM construction .

  30. 本文结合南京河西地面沉降监测项目研究地面沉降监测网的建立、数据采集和数据处理的方法与模型,分析造成地面沉降的主要原因。

    In this paper , the network monitoring construction , data collection and processing , models and courses of ground settlement are discussed with the project of the ground settlement monitoring in the west area of Nanjing .