
  1. 乌足道哉?

    What 's there worth mentioning about it ?

  2. 那个家伙似乎一无足道。

    Nothing seems to go right with that guy .

  3. 那次危机当时看来极为重大,但后来成了历史上微小足道的一件事情。

    The crisis seemed of great importance at the time , but it later became just a footnote to history .

  4. 在学界一向存在着一种认识偏差,以为清朝18世纪的思想学术界,在旧日的理学派之外,只出了一个考据学派,其余就无足道也。

    There has been an understanding deviation in academic circle that there is only a School of Textual Research except the Neo Confucianism in the Qing dynasty in the 18th century .

  5. 2.45000004224003.567034.0.63%1.57'4024'10362.4'5704'2000'04233.2360'30454.78'04655.0.54%欧盟对中国的外商直接投资金额从2006年的60亿欧元(93亿美元)大幅下降到去年的18亿美元,与欧盟的投资总量相比微不足道。

    Foreign direct investment ( FDI ) from the EU into China dropped sharply from 6 billion Euros ( $ 9.3 billion ) in 2006 to 1.8 billion Euros last year .

  6. 在学习中,我常遇到一些困难,但这点困难与鲁滨逊独自生活在荒岛上遇到的艰难险阻相比,是微足不道的。

    During the study , I often encountered some difficulties , but this is difficult to live alone with Robinson in the face of difficulties and obstacles on a desert island , is not enough to micro-Road .

  7. 本工作室的宗旨是在中国和世界传播爱足文化,提倡爱足之道,树立爱足之风,推广人体美学艺术。

    The purpose of our studio is to preach foot-love culture , advocate foot-love habit , set up foot-love fashion and develop human body beauty art .