
  • 网络football tactics
  1. 启发式教学法在足球战术教学中的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Heuristic Education in Teaching of Football Tactics

  2. 从足球战术的角度研究进攻意识

    Study on Attacking Awareness from the View of Football Tactics

  3. 现代足球战术运用特征探讨

    A Study of the Characteristics of Tactical Application in Modern Football

  4. 足球战术意识发展的年龄特征

    Research on Age characteristics of Constructing Football Players ' Tactic Consciousness

  5. 足球战术意识包括进攻意识和防守意识。

    Tactics consciousness of football includes consciousness of attacking and defending consciousness .

  6. 足球战术理论的案例教学研究

    A Discussion on Case Method in the Teaching of Football Tactics Theory

  7. 试论足球战术意识结构及其形成机制

    On the Structure and Forming Mechanism of Soccer Tactic Awareness

  8. 不同外界条件下的足球战术选择

    How to Choose the Football Strategies Under the Different Conditions

  9. 足球战术意识在竞赛中占有重要的地位,它对比赛胜负起着至关重要的决定性作用。

    Football tactics consciousness occupies important status among contest .

  10. 二过一战术打法是组织足球战术的最基本的元素。

    The tactics of two against one is the basic element of football .

  11. 对足球战术意识若干问题的分析

    An Analysis of Some Problems for Football Tactics Consciousness

  12. 谈现代足球战术打法特征

    Characters of Modern Football Tactics Playing - method

  13. 论现代足球战术及其特征

    On Tactics and Characteristics of Modern Football

  14. 浅谈体育院校足球战术教学的特点

    Talking About Characteristics of Football Tactics Teaching

  15. 足球战术意识的特点及分类

    Characteristics and Categories of Football Tactic Consciousness

  16. 近几届欧锦赛中网状结构足球战术研究

    A Study on Tactical Idea of " Network Structure " in Recent European Football Championships

  17. 足球战术应具备的主要因素

    Main Factors of Football Tactics

  18. 培养足球战术意识应从儿童时期开始并贯穿于运动员成长的全过程。

    The football tactics consciousness of the footballer of our country should be trained since childhood and run through the whole course to sportsman 's growth .

  19. 结果表明:足球战术意识是运动员心理发展的高级阶段,是运动员大脑对足球运动自觉能动的反映。

    The result shows that football tactic consciousness is at the high phase in the development of players ' psychology , and also it is the instinctive reaction to football .

  20. 足球战术意识是现代高水平足球比赛制胜的法宝,是足球运动员应该必备的能力,对足球运动员来说,足球战术意识是比赛的灵魂,特别是体现在高水平运动员的身上。

    The football tactical consciousness is the winning trump of the modern high standard football match and the essential ability of the football players , especially for those high standard players .

  21. 基本技术、身体素质、战术意识和作风等是足球战术应具备的主要因素,直接影响着足球战术的水平和实效,应通过学习、训练、比赛和总结进行培养和完善。

    Basic tactics , physical attribute , sense of tactics and style are the main factors possessed by football players , which directly influences the standard and practical effect of football tactics .

  22. 定位球战术是足球战术中的一个分支,充分掌握和提高利用定位球的能力是教练员或教师在训练中必须关注的训练环节。

    Set plays tactics are one branch of the tactics in soccer . In the process of training , coaches or teachers have to pay attention to players ' full grasp of set plays , and help them improve their ability to make use of set plays .

  23. 对欧洲足球技战术发展趋势的思考

    Trend of skill and tactic development of European soccer SOCCER SUIT

  24. 现代五人制足球快攻战术概念辨析与拓展

    Analysis and expansion on the concept of the futsal fast-break tactics

  25. 足球技战术训练系统的控制理论研究

    Study on Control Theory of Football Technical and Tactical Training System

  26. 足球运动员战术思维决策活动研究

    Study on Soccer Players ' Tactical Decision - Making Process

  27. 浅析足球进攻战术运用特征

    Features of the Application of Attacking Tactics in Football

  28. 论现代足球攻防战术思想和训练观点

    On the Attacking and Defending Tactics of Modern Football and Corresponding Training Points

  29. 影响足球攻防战术的客观因素分析

    Objective Factors Analysis on Soccer Attack - defense Tactic

  30. 足球进攻战术中有序跑位接应能力的运用分析

    On Application of Support in Orderly Running for Position of Football Attacking Tactics