
quán ɡōnɡ quán shǒu
  • Total Football;six forward offence
  1. 我喜欢球队全攻全守的打法。

    I love the responsibility of defending and attacking .

  2. 当然,从诞生之初直至今日,全攻全守足球经历了改变。

    Of course , today 's edition of total football has undergone changes from its pure beginnings .

  3. 全攻全守改变了这些:不管是防守抑或进攻时,球队都充分让11位球员发挥作用。

    That changed with Total Football as teams were encouraged to utilise all11 players in both defensive and offensive situations .

  4. 在1974年,他带领荷兰队以全攻全守的比赛风格闯入世界杯决赛。

    In 1974 he led the Netherlands to the World Cup final with an attacking style of play , called " Total Football . "

  5. 在一代名宿克鲁伊夫的率领下,擅长风格型打法的橙衣军团没有采用传统技战术,凭借全攻全守的自由式打法,使足球运动面貌一新。

    Led by Johan Cruyff , the stylish Dutch reinvented the game with their Total Football , which defied traditional positions with its free-flowing nature .

  6. 总体型足球的核心,就是全攻全守,它代表着当今足球战术打法的方向。

    The core of the entire-team-type football is offence and defense of the entire team , which represents the orientation of todays football tactics development .

  7. 由于足球运动本身的运动特点及全攻全守的盛行,足球比别的运动项目需要更多的无氧耐力和有氧耐力。

    Because of these characteristics and the prevalence of total football , more anaerobic endurance and aerobic endurance are required by football than any other sports .

  8. 不管怎样,西班牙和巴塞罗那是仅有的两支适应并发展了全攻全守足球型式并获成功的球队。

    Spain , after all , along with Barcelona , are the only two teams who have successfully adapted and developed the total football brand with desirable results .

  9. 荷兰队主帅范马尔维克一改荷兰队上世纪70年代“全攻全守”足球的天赋和自发性,为求胜利转而使用功利战术。

    Netherlands coach Bert van Marwijk changed the " Total Football " of flair and spontaneity of the1970s into " Result football ," using cynical plotting for victory .

  10. 这支球队虽然没能夺得世界杯冠军,但为1988年赢得欧洲杯奠定基础。如今,西班牙的快速短传打法统治足坛,而这一打法就脱胎于荷兰队的全攻全守。

    This side didn 't win a major title , but it laid the groundwork for the Euro 1988 winners and is the spiritual predecessor ofSpain 's tiki-taka dominance .

  11. 有很多球队都采用全攻全守的战术打法,所以在比赛中快速在攻守转换时尤为重要。

    A lot of teams have adopted the whole defensive and whole offensive tactics to attack the whole play , the " fast " in offensive and defensive conversion is particularly prominent .

  12. 培养和提高学生的观察能力是体育教学、训练的重要任务,在全攻全守作为排球运动指导思想的情况下,对观察力的研究应成为排球工作者研究的重点之一。

    Especially when the idea of " all-out attack and defense " becomes the guiding ideology of volleyball , the research of Observational Capability is one of the most important tasks of volleyball workers .

  13. 每一个成功的克鲁伊夫式球队都有自己的“传导体”:那些主导比赛节奏和踢法的球员继续用深深植根于他们体系内的全攻全守足球训练自己的队伍。

    Every successful Cruyffian team had their'conductors ' , players who dictated the tempo and plays of the game , who went on to coach their sides with total football deeply embedded in their systems .