
  • 网络full-scale model
  1. 为了验证此施工技术的可操作性,确保现场施工万无一失,还在国内进行了足尺模型拉升试验。

    At the same time , a full-scale model test was operated in China to make sure that the construction plan was feasible .

  2. 由于无法对其进行足尺模型试验,数值分析就成为此类结构设计的重要依据,也是悬索桥设计中的难点和关键问题之一。

    Since it is hard to perform a full-scale model test , numerical analysis becomes an important basis and also one of the most difficult and pivotal problems in design .

  3. PCC桩水平承载特性足尺模型试验与数值模拟

    Full-Scale Model Test and Numerical Modeling for Behavior of Cast-in-Place Concrete Large Diameter Pipe Pile under Lateral Load

  4. 本文通过室内足尺模型试验与毛乌素沙漠中的榆(林)&靖(边)沙漠高速公路试验路试验,结合相关研究资料及MSC。

    Based on indoors simulating experiments , tests on trial road at Yun ( Lin ) - Jing ( Bian ) Desert Expressway in Maowusu Desert , analysis with MSC .

  5. 冻土路基温度场室内足尺模型试验

    Model . Laboratory large-scale test of temperature field in permafrost sub-grade

  6. 索管节点应力集中系数的足尺模型试验研究

    Full-Size Testing to Determine Stress Concentration Factors of Dragline Tubular Joints

  7. 半刚性连接组合梁框架足尺模型模拟地震振动台试验

    Shaking table test on a composite-beam frame with semi-rigid connections

  8. 钢锚板式索塔锚固区足尺模型试验研究

    Model Experiment Analysis on Steel Anchor Plate Cable-Pylon Anchorage Zone

  9. 长寿长江公路大桥索塔节段足尺模型试验研究

    Full-scale Model Test for Pylon Segment of Changshou Yangtse River Highway Bridge

  10. 金属拱型波纹屋盖结构足尺模型试验研究

    Full size test on arched - corrugate metal roof

  11. 粘钢加固节点的足尺模型试验分析

    An Experimental Study on Full Scale Model of Column-beam Joints Strengthened by Adhering Steel Sheet

  12. 南京长江二桥南汊桥索梁锚固足尺模型试验研究

    Full scale model test on anchorage zone of the Second Yangtze River Bridge at Nanjing

  13. 地铁高架槽形梁足尺模型破坏试验与空间分析研究

    Fracture Load Test and Spatial Analysis for the Full Scale Model of Underground Viaduct Channel Girder

  14. 公轨两用斜拉桥钢锚箱式索梁锚固区足尺模型疲劳试验研究

    A Full Scale Fatigue Test of Steel Box Anchorage on Girder of Highway and Light-railway Cable Stayed Bridge

  15. 同时,对现有已知的斜拉桥索塔节段足尺模型试验进行若干总结研究,期望得出一些新的结论。

    Finally , some new conclusions are expected by summarizing some segment experiments of cable-stayed bridge pylons in literatures .

  16. 钢结构住宅体系墙板及墙板节点足尺模型振动台试验研究

    Shaking table study on a full scale model of wall panels and their connections of steel frame residential building systems

  17. 进行标准梁段足尺模型试验,观测试验模型横向预应力钢束张拉后,主梁边箱测点的应变,以及模型表面混凝土裂缝的情况。

    During the on-site experiment for full-scale segmental model of the girder , stress and cracks of the side-boxes were surveyed .

  18. 南京长江二桥南汊桥斜拉索塔节段足尺模型的研究

    Study on the full scale segmental model of tower of cable stayed bridge of the Second Yangtze River Bridge in Nanjing

  19. 结合某试点工程的要求,进行了冷弯薄壁型钢与混凝土组合节点在低周循环荷载下的足尺模型拟静力试验研究。

    Experiment under low cycle loading is presented on the composite joint of cold formed & light guage steel shape and concrete .

  20. 本文针对南京长江二桥的索梁锚固结构,采用足尺模型进行了疲劳试验。

    This paper presents the fatigue test research on the cable anchorage zone of the main girder of the Second Nanjing Yangtze Bridge .

  21. 对重庆菜园坝长江大桥轨道横梁与整体节点的连结构造细节进行了足尺模型疲劳试验。

    The full-scale fatigue test of connection structure details between floor beams and monolithic joints was carried out on the Caiyuanba Yangtze River bridge in Chongqing .

  22. 碾压混凝土重力坝模板技术探讨精轧螺纹粗钢筋部分预应力空心板足尺模型静载试验分析研究

    A Study on the Form of Rolled Concrete Gravity Dam Full Scale Static Load Experimental Investigation of Partially Prestressed Volded Concrete Slab with Refined Rolled Twisted Prestressing Steel

  23. 本文以在建中的金塘大桥的索塔锚固区剪力键选型试验和节段足尺模型试验为项目背景。

    The type of shear connectors selection test and full-scale model test for the anchorage zone segment of Jintang Bridge , which is under-construction , were the project background .

  24. 本文介绍了上海浦东国际机场候机楼张弦梁式钢屋架足尺模型在预应力张拉和加载两阶段的试验研究。

    The full-scale truss composed of arch-beam and cable used in the roof structure of Shanghai Pudong international Airport Terminal has been tested in the stages of prestressing and loading conditions respectively .

  25. 为研究这种节点的承载性能,课题组在理论分析的基础上,在施工现场进行了足尺模型试验。

    In order to make clear the load bearing performance of this kind of joint , a full scale model test was carried out on the bridge site based on theoretical analysis .

  26. 结合山区高速公路建设的实践,采用足尺模型试验,得出荷载作用下斜坡地基上高填方路堤滑动破坏面出现的位置及形态,并测定了其相应的极限承载力。

    The shape and location of the slip curve surface , the ultimate bearing capacity under load were found out when the high fill embankment on slope foundation was under unstable condition .

  27. 试验中采用专用的扁式液压千斤顶,并采用试验室足尺模型标定试验,研究了这种方法的可靠性。

    The reliability of this technique , which is based on the use of special flat-jacks , has been studied by means of calibration tests carried out in laboratory on large size samples .

  28. 对足尺模型进行斜向加载模拟斜拉索作用、借助于辅助模型研究孔道摩阻、全方位布置传感器测点等做法构成本次试验研究的特色。

    The model test was characterized in the aspect of emulating the cable-action by diagonal loading facility , measuring the sheath friction by an auxiliary model , and distributing the stress sensors throughout the model .

  29. 通过某城市地铁高架试验段槽形梁桥足尺模型破坏试验,测定结构的极限承载能力,研究其空间受力变形特性及破坏特征。

    Based on the fracture load test for full scale model of channel girder in an underground viaduct testing segment engineering , the ultimate carrying capacity and the spatial mechanics character of channel girder were studied .

  30. 进行了塔柱节段足尺模型试验,试验与有限元分析结果表明:塔柱节段足尺模型开裂安全系数为1.3,裂缝宽度安全系数为1.6,塔柱的设计方案是安全的。

    We make a full-scale model test of anchorage zone . Experiment and FEM analysis show that : the anti-crack safety coefficient is 1.3 and crack opening safety coefficient is 1.6 , so the structure is demonstrated safety .