
  • 网络Lunar geology;geology of the Moon
  1. 太空飞船的X光和红外线分光仪可以采集关于月球地质的很多信息。

    The spacecraft 's X-ray and infrared spectrometers can gather information about the moon 's geology .

  2. 这是一个独一无二的、美-俄双方为探测月球表面地质而拟定的计划。

    A unique U.S. - Russian program for probing the geology of the lunar surface .

  3. 两项探月计划在科学上起到了互补作用,中国科学家强调嫦娥的目标是提高对月球表面地质化学的了解,而印度则关注于三维制图。

    The two lunar programmes should be scientifically complementary , with Chinese scientists stressing Chang'e 's goal of improving understanding of the geochemistry of the moon 's surface and India focusing on three - dimensional mapping .

  4. 合成孔径雷达还用于深空探测,例如用合成孔径雷达探测月球、金星的地质结构。

    SAR has also bean used in the deep space survey , for example , the survey of the Moon and Venus 's geological structure .