
  1. 劳利在反对观看今年的维密秀的同时,鼓励人们在Ins的“我的天使之翼”(MyAngelWings)这一标签下分享自己的一张未经编辑的照片。

    As opposed to watching this year 's show , she urged people to share an unedited photograph of themselves on Instagram under the hashtag \# MyAngelWings .

  2. 而传统语文教学对生命、对生命教育的背弃实质是对语文自我的背弃:语文教学人文精神的失落,生命天使之翼被折断;

    Traditional Chinese teaching , by contrast , abandons education about life , which is equivalent to abandoning Chinese itself .

  3. 你将失去你的天使之翼,那代表着自由的来往于时间与空间之间,不受生与死的轮回限制,不受恐惧与幻象的限制。

    You would lose your angel wings , which symbolise freedom from time and space , freedom from birth and death , freedom from fear and illusion .

  4. 遇见天使之光翼!

    Meet the light of angel wings !