
fǎn fānɡ
  • con side
  1. 他那时更愿意大度地承认反方观点的正确性。

    He is then more generously disposed to admit the validity of opposing views .

  2. 丹尼尔基夫(DanielO'Keefe)研究员收集了107份已研究超过50年的不同课题的结果,认真分析后发表了他自己的调查结果:“如何用具有说服力的信息处理反方论据:单方和双方信息影响的元分析回顾”。

    Researcher Daniel O'Keefe collected the results of 107 different studies which were conducted over 50 years and published his findings in " How to Handle Opposing Arguments in Persuasive Messages : A Meta-Analytic Review of the Effects of One-Side and Two-Sided Messages . "

  3. 印孚瑟斯(Infosys)的联合创始人纳拉亚纳·穆尔萨(NarayanaMurthy)曾经是站在保加利亚警方反方的左派。

    Narayana Murthy , the co-founder of Infosys , was a former leftist who found himself on the wrong side of the Bulgarian police .

  4. 最有趣的是反方居然赢了!

    The most fantastic thing is that the opposite side won !

  5. 反方:应抑制城市化的热潮。

    Negative side : the fever of urbanization should be controlled .

  6. 积极深入过反方的论点之后,我们本身的立场会更精密、更有深度。

    This active engagement with the opposition refines and deepens our thesis .

  7. 目前评论界对口语诗歌的态度有正反两方面,而现在的情况则是反方压过了正方。

    Now critics have both positive and negative attitude of spoken poetry .

  8. 反方陈述观点:我们的观点是支持转基因食物。

    Good morning ! In our opinion , we are against GM food .

  9. 这个发言人驳倒了反方的观点。

    The speaker refuted his opponent 's arguments .

  10. 你是在对反方律师吼叫?

    Did you just growl at opposing counsel ?

  11. 看来反方律师是你过去的男朋友喽。

    So opposing counsel 's your old boyfriend .

  12. 反方:我不想做到。

    Affirmative side : I can make it .

  13. 反方:使用手机是安全的。

    The counterclaim : Cell phones are safe .

  14. 在牛仔影片中,正方带的帽子是白色的,反方带的帽子是黑色的。

    In cowboy films , the goodies wear white hats while the baddies wear black ones .

  15. 反方:以牺牲自然为代价来发展人类文明是值得且不可避免的。

    Negative side : during the civilization , sacrifice on the nature is worthy and unavoidable .

  16. 反方辩手的辩词严密而恰切,给对手以有力的回击。

    The debaters from the opposite team attacked his opponent with a forceful , and convincing argument .

  17. 他必须说服经理来执行这一计划,并要在最后的会议上回答反方的问题。

    He must persuade the managers to proceed , and answer the objections raised at the last meeting .

  18. 正方辩士立场系赞成起诉,反方立场则反对起诉。

    Speakers on the affirmative teams will defend prosecution ; speakers on the negative teams will oppose it .

  19. 我认为他们的大多数做最好站在反方的立场的一个政治预测。

    I think most of them have made a political calculation that it 's better to be in opposition .

  20. 研究的主要目的之一,就是要测试我们自身的论点是否足以应对反方的最佳论点。

    One of the major purposes of doing research is to test our thesis against the best arguments of the opposition .

  21. 坐在左边的是反方,四位边手分别来自理科的生物系,城环系。

    To my left are the opponents : the four debaters are separately from the natural sciences , the Biology department and from Urban Environmental Studies .

  22. 反方也许可能会说,财政收入如果无法满足财政支出的需要,可以通过借债来维持。

    You may say , if the government receipts can 't meet the need of government expenditure , the government can support the expenditure by borrowing money .

  23. 你的论文需要有清楚明确的主要论点(也就是针对某议题,你所采取的立场),且要能清楚显示你非常清楚反方所持的论点。

    Your essay must have a clear and explicit thesis ( your position on the issue ) and must demonstrate a clear awareness of the opposition 's counter-thesis .

  24. 现有的预测算法分割时间是假设每个组群是以同样的速度和覆盖面积向相反方移动的。

    The existing partition prediction algorithm predicts the partition time assuming that each group moves to the opposite direction , at the same speed , and with the same coverage .

  25. 如果正方提出的定义违反第七章第四节中的任何一个规定,则反方有权利质疑正方的定义。

    If the definition advanced by the Leader of the Government contravenes any of the prohibitions set out in term PART VII-4 , the Opposition has the right to challenge the definition .

  26. 相较之下,最有力的的反方论点侧重在为什么中国(以及另一个分析对象印度)有可能在未来的年头里继续保持快速增长。

    The strongest arguments that they may be wrong , by contrast , focus on details of why China ( as well as India , which they also analyze ) has the potential to keep growing rapidly for many years to come .