
  • 网络My Values;myvalue
  1. 这个职位符合我的价值观吗?

    Does this position meet my values ?

  2. 公司文化和我的价值观和个性匹配。

    The company culture is a match with my values and personality .

  3. 我的价值观会引导我到什麽样的方向?

    In what direction are my values leading me ?

  4. 我的价值观和核心主张,并且有意志力去维护。

    My values and core beliefs , and the strength to always horner them .

  5. 也可以真正地做到积极主动、价值驱动,因为我的价值观非常清晰明确。

    I can be truly proactive , value driven , because my values are clear .

  6. 我的价值观也改变了。

    And my values change .

  7. 我的价值观约翰.G.李夫人我想在我一生中,父亲对我的影响最大。

    By Mrs. John G. Lee I think the most profound influence in my life was my father .

  8. 如果我的价值观能从其与神律的联系和伦理要求的承诺中获得支持与力量,那任何事物都无法给我造成真正的伤害。

    If my values receive their sanction and strength from relationship to divine law and acceptance of its ethical imperatives , then nothing can really harm me .

  9. 这个人分享我的我价值观,我的正直心吗?

    Does this person share my values ? My level of integrity ?

  10. 这点是如何与我自己的价值观相关的?

    How does this relate to my own values ?

  11. 我的核心价值观是什么?

    What are my core values ?

  12. 我对tom的价值观接受无能,所以我把他拉黑了。-

    I couldn 't handle tom 's spiritual values so I unfriended her on Facebook . -

  13. 我认为我们的价值观、我们认识和认同的人,都是由我们所处的环境所塑造的。

    I feel that environment shapes our values , the people we know , the people we identify with .

  14. 我国的组织价值观不同于其他国家,中国传统文化对组织价值观有十分重要的影响。

    The organizational values in our country are different from other countries . The Chinese traditional culture affects organizational values deeply .

  15. 本文把我国的企业价值观发展分成三个阶段,在此基础上说明中国目前在企业价值观建设方面存在的四个主要问题。

    The development of national enterprise values can be divided into three phases and there exist four main problems in the construction of national enterprise values .

  16. 我国的生命价值观教育经过几十年的发展,尽管在理论和实践上取得了一些成果,但仍处于初步的探索阶段,在理论与实践方面都有待进一步的完善。

    Although in China the life values education has been developed for decades and also acquired some achievements , it still in the preliminary stage of exploration and expected to be further improved in theory and practice .

  17. 本研究的目的是编制出适用于我国大学生的健康价值观评定问卷。

    This study aims to develop an Undergraduates ' Health Values Questionnaire .

  18. 我能建立正确的价值观和态度。

    I can develop positive system of values and attitudes .

  19. 但是我看到了它的价值观现已遍及这个国家及其生活。

    But I see its values now pervading this nation and its life .

  20. 我有很强的价值观。

    I have a strong ideology of value .

  21. 我国大学生的职业价值观研究

    Study on the vocational value of Chinese Undergraduates

  22. 我怀疑这些人的价值观。

    I doubt these people 's values .

  23. 我国老年人口的价值观初探

    Study on the Values of Chinese Aged

  24. 有个时期,母亲所宣扬和我一直身体力行的那些价值观受到了攻击。

    In time there would be an attack on the values my mother preached and I have lived by .

  25. 经常听一些各类心理学,虽然算不上什么研究,但我觉得对我的价值观影响很大。

    Always listen to all kinds of psychology , although hardly a study , but I think a great influence on my values .

  26. 我认为我们的文化价值观甚至都被金钱化了--谦逊已经不再流行,它太被动了。

    Now I 'd argue that our cultural values have even been financialized -- humility is not in vogue anymore , it 's too passive .

  27. 我未能忠于我的价值观和行为准则,对不起我的家人,我不是一个毫无瑕疵的人。

    I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves . I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect .

  28. 尽管我不确定自己的价值观,但我并没有觉得和那些人有什么本质不同。

    However uncertain I felt about my worth , I didn 't feel that I had been created differently from the Jews who were living that life of family and community .

  29. 当前,我军院校的核心价值观教育正逐步深入展开,并且在教育过程中遇到了一些困难,存在一些误区,西点军校的在这方面的成功经验是值得参照借鉴的。

    Now , military academies have been carrying out the cultivating process gradually and met some difficulties . Moreover , there are some misunderstandings . The successful experience of the West Point Military Academy is worth learning .

  30. 同时,该研究探讨的新闻价值理论对我国当下的新闻价值观的重构及其实践具有重要的指导意义,对新闻传播事业的发展具有不可忽视的现实意义。

    The research is to study and develop journalism theories , has important theoretical significance and academic value ; which is not to be ignored in the practice of guidance to the development of career news to our current .