
zhǎn xiàn
  • to show;project;emerge;blaze;bespeak;unfold before one's eyes
展现 [zhǎn xiàn]
  • [emerge] 展示;明显地表现出

  • 展现在小山坡上的漂亮的房屋

展现[zhǎn xiàn]
  1. 采用OpenGL技术建立大型结构物滑移装船过程可视化仿真环境,直观清楚地展现滑移装船过程中各系统的动态时空变化关系,实现了大型结构物滑移装船仿真过程的可视化。

    Using OpenGL to build visualization simulation environment of slippage shipment of the large structure , emerge temporal and spatial variation of every system distinctly during dynamic process of slippage shipment , implement visualization of simulation process of slippage shipment of the large structure .

  2. 展现关键技术和创新管理技能。

    Emerge with critical technology and innovation management skills .

  3. 城边上横七竖八的建筑不再蔓延,田野展现出来。

    The town straggled to an end and the fields began .

  4. 剧本允许她充分展现她那夸张的表演风格。

    The script allows full rein to her larger-than-life acting style .

  5. 公司已决定,必须展现出更加现代的形象。

    The company has decided it must present a more modern image .

  6. 英格兰内战协会的成员将再次展现那场战争。

    Members of the English Civil War Society will re-enact the battle .

  7. 这座城市绚丽多彩地展现在我们下方。

    The city was spread out beneath us in all its glory .

  8. 这些录音是展现他钢琴家才华的不朽之作。

    These recordings are a monument to his talent as a pianist .

  9. 房门打开,一间温暖舒适的小屋展现在眼前。

    The door opened to reveal a cosy little room .

  10. 这部纪录影片着重展现出一场美国政治运动令人眼花缭乱的一面。

    The documentary focuses on the razzmatazz of an American political campaign .

  11. 这些照片展现了她和新情人在海滩上放荡嬉戏的情景。

    The photos showed her cavorting on the beach with her new lover .

  12. 宇宙慢慢地展现出它的秘密。

    The universe is slowly yielding up its secrets .

  13. 音乐节是青年音乐家展现才华的场合。

    The festival was a showcase for young musicians .

  14. 通过一系列倒叙展现出了导致谋杀的各个情节。

    The events that led up to the murder were shown in a series of flashbacks .

  15. 峡谷展现在我们的脚下。

    The valley lay below us .

  16. 这展现了她作为设计师的真正天赋。

    This is the mark of her real genius as a designer

  17. 有很多让你展现创意的机会。

    There 's lots of room to express yourself creatively .

  18. 这本书展现了维多利亚时代特色的精华。

    The book is a gem of Victorian idiosyncrasy .

  19. 展现在我眼前的是充满诗情画意的生活。

    I saw before me an idyllic life .

  20. 这些访谈生动地展现了英国在黑暗的萧条时期的概貌。

    The interviews present a remarkable snapshot of Britain in these dark days of recession .

  21. 一条宽阔的山谷展现在眼前,通往一处平整的开垦地高原。

    A broad valley opened up leading to a high , flat plateau of cultivated land .

  22. 景深和色彩的运用令所有的画作都展现出令人惊叹的戏剧性效果。

    All the paintings are startlingly dramatic as a result of their depth of field and colour .

  23. 新首相上任后开了个好头,但他仍得展现出自己的执政风格。

    The new Prime Minister has got off to a good start , but he still has to demonstrate what manner of leader he is going to be

  24. 一派欣欣向荣的景象展现在我们面前。

    A scene of prosperity spreads out before us .

  25. 他脱下了衬衫展现出晒得黝黑的身体。

    He took off his shirt to reveal his tanned torso .

  26. 影片非常逼真地展现了贫困地区的生活。

    The film showed life in the poor areas with great reality .

  27. 小提琴手的表演展现了高超的艺术技巧。

    The performance of the violinist displayed great art .

  28. 展现中华民族智慧的伟大创造

    Great innovation showing the wisdom of the Chinese nation

  29. 我打开卷轴时,黄河的景象展现在眼前。

    As I opened the scroll , a panorama of the Yellow River unfolded .

  30. 幕启时展现一幅农村景象。

    The rising curtain revealed a countryside scene .