
gāo yīn
  • high pitch;high-pitched voice;sharpness;treble
高音[gāo yīn]
  1. 鼻咽腔是歌唱共鸣的重要器官,也是解决高音问题的重要途径和关键部位。

    Nasopharyngeal cavity is an important speech organ of singing and the key part for solving the problem of the high pitch .

  2. 同时,论述了解决男中音高音训练的途径和训练的方法。

    Meanwhile , it discusses the approach to solving high pitch training of baritone and training methods .

  3. 这些高音略为偏低。

    The high notes were slightly flat .

  4. 一位双臂交叉的老妇人演唱了高音部。

    An elderly woman , arms crossed , sang the descant .

  5. 她是莫斯科大剧院首席女高音歌手。

    She was the main soprano at the Bolshoi theatre .

  6. 女高音歌手是个来自加利福尼亚的壮硕姑娘。

    The soprano was a chunky girl from California .

  7. 她嗓音低沉,从没试过高音。

    She has a deep voice and doesn 't even try for the high notes

  8. 她获得了“国际女高音”的美名。

    She gained a reputation as an international soprano .

  9. 她有着音质特别好的女高音歌喉。

    She possesses a soprano voice of unusually fine quality .

  10. 指挥挑选了一位女高音担任领唱。

    The conductor selected a soprano to lead the chorus .

  11. 歌唱声部分女高音、女低音、男高音、男低音。

    Soprano , alto , tenor and bass constitute the four vocal parts .

  12. 她说起话来悄没声儿的,可唱起歌来是条女高音甜嗓子。

    Her voice is very low when she speaks , but she has a lovely soprano singing voice .

  13. 这位年轻的女高音歌唱家下个月将在纽约大都会歌剧院举行首演。

    This young soprano debuts next month at the metropolitan opera .

  14. 唱歌的四个声部是女高音、女低音、男高音和男低音。

    The four parts in singing are soprano , alto , tenor and bass .

  15. 你能升到c高音吗?

    Can you go up to a high c ?

  16. 她能达到高音c。

    She can reach a high C.

  17. 高音E会更容易得到响应。

    The high E will respond much more easily .

  18. 取决于你对使用这个口型的热切程度,你会经历一段时间难以演奏鼻音F和高音C。

    Depending on your desire to play with this embouchure , you will experience difficulty in playing throat F , and high C.

  19. 片头曲名为《新的一天》(ANewDay),由中央歌剧院(ChinaNationalOperaHouse)国家一级演员、女高音歌唱家尤泓斐演唱。

    The opening song named " A New Day " was presented by Yo Hong Fei , Chinese soprano from China National Opera House , national first-level actress .

  20. 帕瓦罗蒂在其演唱生涯的巅峰时期,凭借著对高难度高音举重若轻的把握被誉为“高音C之王”。

    In his heyday , he was known as the " King of the High C 's " for the ease with which he tossed off difficult top notes .

  21. 其中一位是著名的假声男高音约翰·霍利迪(JohnHoliday),他的音域比普通男声最高音歌手还高,而且经常高过钱熠。

    One of those men is the remarkable countertenor John Holiday , who has a range more soprano than alto and often soars above Ms. Qian .

  22. 测高仪,高度计:一种测量高度的仪器,尤指飞机中的无液气压表,其可以测出伴随高度变化的压力变化n.男声最高音;

    An instrument for determining elevation , especially an aneroid barometer used in aircraft that senses pressure changes accompanying changes in altitude .

  23. Story表示唱歌在某些方面更容易模拟,因为它往往会有长的、持续的元音,更精准的高音,掩盖瑕疵的配乐。

    Story says singing is in some ways easier to simulate , because it tends to have long , sustained vowels , a more precise pitch , and a musical score to mask the imperfections .

  24. 能唱出莫札特午夜皇后(TheQueenoftheNight)中f6高音的女主唱少得像是快绝迹,而没有著名的f6就不能演出午夜皇后。

    The number of divas who can hit the f6 in Mozart 's Queen of the Night is vanishingly small , and you just can 't perform The Queen of the Night without that famous f6 .

  25. 芭蕾舞首席女舞者斯维特拉娜•扎哈洛娃(SvetlanaZakharova)翩翩起舞,世界闻名的俄罗斯女高音安娜•奈瑞贝科(AnnaNetrebko)演唱冬奥会会歌。

    Svetlana Zakharova , the nation 's prima ballerina , danced , while Anna Netbrenko , Russia 's world-famous soprano , sang the Olympic anthem .

  26. 歌剧《命运的力量》第四幕之《安宁,安宁》(Pace,pace,mioDio又译《上帝啊,请赐予我安宁》)是就是一首极具戏剧性色彩代表性的女高音咏叹调。

    The opera " Destiny Strength " fourth " Peaceful , Peaceful " ( Pace , pace , mio Dio translates " God , Please Grant Me Peacefully ") is has the theatrical color representative extremely soprano aria .

  27. 包括苏菲(Sufi)诗中的音乐间隔,从低音域开始逐步攀升至高音,然后降到初始调。

    Interludes of spoken Sufi poetry interrupt the music , typically beginning at a low register and gradually ascending to a climax before calming back down to the beginning tone .

  28. WD-222是一款二分频无源音箱,采用了一只12英寸超长冲程低音单元驱动器和一只1英寸高音单元驱动器。

    WD-222 is a passive two sub-frequency sound , using a12-inch long-stroke woofer driver and a1-inch tweeter drive .

  29. 文中主要介绍了一种利用数字信号处理技术结合CODEC芯片实现轨道交通高音质音频播放系统的方法,以及在DSP上实现的由全通网络构成的音频参量均衡器。

    The method of realizing a high quality audio playback system for railway transportation using digital signal processing technology and CODEC ( Coder and Decoder ) chip is introduced in this article . The parametric equalizer , which consists of all-pass filter , is achieved on the DSP platform .

  30. 声乐评分2独唱女高音的声音,2女中音独唱的声音,3男高音独唱,男中音独唱2,SATB合唱和钢琴伴奏。

    Vocal score for2 soprano voice solos , 2 mezzo soprano voice solos , 3 tenor voice solos , 2 baritone voice solos , SATB chorus and piano accompaniment . Series : G.Schirmer Opera Score Editions .