
Kao Sung-nien and Wang Ch'u-hou talked confidentially in low tones .
Kao Sung-nien never thought a liar could be so calm and unruffled .
Ai , and I still have to go give Kao Sung-nien the reply .
Knowing how bored she was at home , Kao sang-nien wanted to give her a job at the school .
As a student of biology , Kao knew that " the survival of the fittest " was ordained by nature .
Kao Sung-nien quickly urged him to stay , saying that next school year he would work out something for his wife .
Kao himself asserted that he was only acting out of fairness and would not make the woman suffer because of her fianc é .
Thinking how talkative and indiscreet Hung-chien was , Kao merely said ," I hope you 'll all keep everything said today strictly confidential . "
His mind made up , Liu first put the suggestion to Kao Sung-nien , who then asked Chao Hsin-mei to come in for a conference .
Kao Sung-nien was returning from an engagement in town , strolling along drunk and sated , when on a sudden impulse he decided to detour around to the Wangs .
Because the inspector from the Ministry had said that at Oxford and Cambridge the teachers gave a blessing in Latin before and after each meal , Kao Sung-nien felt they should do the same .
After he learned of their arrival , Kao hurried over to the faculty dormitory to greet them , then returned to his office , no longer able to dismiss the matter that had been troubling him for the past month .