
  • 网络John Cowperthwaite;John James Cowperthwaite;Sir John Cowperthwaite
  1. 即使是郭伯伟或许也会勉强接受这些统计数据。

    Even Sir John Cowperthwaite might have given these statistics his grudging acceptance .

  2. 香港并没有破产,相反地,它运气很好,它有郭伯伟(JohnCowperthwaite),也就是后来的郭伯伟爵士。当时的郭伯伟是一名年轻的官员,他的任务是推动香港经济进入复苏轨道。

    Instead Hong Kong had the good fortune to get John ( later Sir John ) Cowperthwaite , a young official sent out to push the colony 's economy toward recovery . '

  3. 尽管郭伯伟对这种做法表示怀疑,但它确实是个明智之举。

    Cowperthwaite 's suspicions notwithstanding , this is surely a good thing .

  4. 郭伯伟在1961年到1971年之间任香港的财政司司长,而这段时间是香港经济增长最快的时期。

    Cowperthwaite was financial secretary from 1961 to 1971 , Hong Kong 's period of fastest economic growth .

  5. 不过,郭伯伟不许采集经济统计数据,因为他害怕这会引来政治的干预。

    Sir John , however , wouldn 't allow collection of economic statistics for fear they 'd lead to political meddling .

  6. 不过,统计数据还是有一些的:在郭伯伟任职期间,香港的出口平均每年增长13.8%,行业工资翻了一番,极端贫困家庭的占比从50%降至16%。

    Some statistics nonetheless : During Cowperthwaite 's tenure , Hong Kong 's exports grew by an average of 13.8 % a year , industrial wages doubled and the number of households in extreme poverty shrank from half to 16 % .