
  1. 但郭英成此次回归之际,正值佳兆业的前景显露出日渐稳定的迹象。

    But Mr. Guo is returning as Kaisa 's prospects show signs of stabilizing .

  2. 最近几个月,这家保险公司更是进一步巩固了与郭英成的关系。

    The insurer has only further cemented its ties with Mr. Guo in recent months .

  3. 在佳兆业的风暴中,50岁的郭英成一直处在中心位置。

    Mr. Guo , 50 , has been at the center of the firestorm at Kaisa .

  4. 从去年12月到今年3月,郭英成和他的几乎整个管理团队相继辞职,鲜有解释。

    From December to March , Mr. Guo and virtually his entire management team resigned with little explanation .

  5. 去年年底,郭英成以健康原因为由离开佳兆业。不久后,其他一些高层管理人员也纷纷离职。

    Late last year , Mr. Guo departed , citing health reasons , and other top executives left soon after .

  6. 上月,国民信托的发言人否认郭英成和佳兆业的附属公司持有该公司的大量股份。

    A spokesman for National Trust denied last month that Mr. Guo and the Kaisa affiliates had held a big stake in the company .

  7. 董事会主席、执行董事郭英成周一的回归,是佳兆业这个故事的最新转折。

    The surprise comeback on Monday of the chairman and chief executive , Guo Yingcheng , is the latest twist in the Kaisa story .

  8. 到了今年2月,郭英成及其家族同意将49%的佳兆业股份,全部出售给中国另一家房地产开发商融创中国。

    Then in February , the chairman and his family agreed to sell their entire 49 percent stake in Kaisa to another Chinese property developer , Sunac China .

  9. 分析人士称,与生命人寿的交易进一步证明,郭英成可能正在采取行动,以期重新获得对自己参与创立的公司和品牌的控制权。

    Analysts say the deals with Sino-Life add to the evidence that Mr. Guo might be moving to regain control of the company and brand he helped create .

  10. 分析人士称,管理团队变更的公告可能象征着,郭英成正在寻求重新获得对公司的控制权。郭英成同家族成员一起,于1999年创立了该公司。

    Analysts said that the management announcement could be a sign that Mr. Guo was seeking to regain control of the company that he co-founded with family members in 1999 .

  11. 混乱中,该公司数名高管辞职,包括董事长和联合创始人郭英成,他以健康理由离职。

    Amid the tumult came a raft of resignations from top executives at the company , including the chairman and co-founder , Guo Yingcheng , who stepped down for health reasons .

  12. 几名分析人士和律师表示郭英成生活在香港,并称他不愿回大陆面对公司在法律上的问题。香港的司法管辖权独立于中国大陆。

    Several analysts and lawyers had said that Mr. Guo was living in Hong Kong , which is a separate legal jurisdiction from China , and that he had refused to return to the mainland to face the company 's legal troubles .

  13. 分析人士称,郭英成的回归让谁掌控着该公司这个问题变得扑朔迷离:是依然持股49%的郭氏家族,还是正在极力收购那49%的股份的融创,亦或是该公司的第二大股东生命人寿。

    Analysts say Mr. Guo 's return makes it unclear who is in control of the company : the Guo family , which still holds 49 percent ; Sunac , which is vying to acquire that stake ; or Sino-Life , the second-largest shareholder .