
  • 网络Secondary pest;secondary or minor pests
  1. 近年来,由于农药的滥用,芒果蓟马已从过去的次要害虫上升为主要害虫。

    In recent years , as a result of pesticide abuse , thrips become one of the main pest insects while they are secondary pest insects in the past .

  2. 稻赤斑沫蝉已由次要害虫上升为主要害虫,在重庆地区一年发生一代。

    One generation of rice spittle bug ( Callitettix versicolor Fabricius ), which has recently become a dominant pest for rice crops , occurs in a year in Chongqing , China .

  3. 因此,开展转基因抗虫作物对多食性次要靶标害虫的杀虫效果评价将是十分必要的。

    Therefore , it will be necessary to carry out the evaluation of the effect of genetically modified crops on nontarget pests .

  4. 已有研究结果表明,由于减少了杀虫剂的使用,造成转基因作物大田里次要靶标害虫种群数量的增长。

    It was shown that the population of nontarget pest increased due to the reduction in use of pesticide in genetically modified crops .