
zhí zhǐ guān jié
  • articulationes metatarsophalangeae;metatarsophalangeal joints
跖趾关节[zhí zhǐ guān jié]
  1. 跖趾关节背伸试验及跖趾关节背伸加强试验在诊断跖腱膜炎中的价值

    Clinical Evaluation of Dorsiflexion of Metatarsophalangeal Joints Test and Strengthening Dorsiflexion of Metatarsophalangeal Joints Test in Diagnosis of Plantar Fasciitis

  2. 以上数据表明,随着鞋跟高度的增加,前脚掌趾区第1、2、3跖趾关节处及大脚趾的压强变化显著。

    The above data show that , with the heel height increases , the former Area 1,2,3 soles toe metatarsophalangeal joints and the big toe of the pressure changed significantly .

  3. 目的评价Swanson双柄硅胶人工铰链式假体第一跖趾关节置换术的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the curative effectiveness of Swanson double-stem silicone implant arthroplasty on the reconstruction of first metatarsophalangeal joint .

  4. 结论Keller手术仍是目前治疗50岁以上的中重度拇外翻畸形患者的一种较好术式,尤其是合并拇跖趾关节有退行性改变的患者更为适用。

    Conclusions Keller operation is a better way to treat the medium and severe hallus valgus for 50 or over 50 years old patients , especially for those having merged hallus .

  5. 结果A组,术前跖趾关节屈曲角度为37.30±5.42°,切断双侧侧副韧带后屈曲角度增加11.29±2.36°,达48.60±2.98°,与切断前比较差异有统计学意义(P0.01);

    Results The angle of flexion of the MP joint before operation in group A is 37.30 ± 5.42 °, it increased 11.29 ± 2.36 ° and to 48.60 ± 2.98 ° when the bilateral collateral ligaments were cut , and there was significant difference .

  6. 5Fu组跖趾关节与趾间关节屈曲度数之和及相应的肌腱滑动距离、腱周组织中成纤维细胞数目与胶原纤维含量、腱周组织瘢痕粘连程度均明显优于对照组(P<005)。

    The flexor degree of joints & the corresponding gliding range , the number of fibroblast and quantity of collagen fiber and the fibrous adhesions in the peritendinous tissues in the treated groups were much greater than that in the control groups ( P < 0 05 ) .

  7. 第一跖趾关节置换术的现状及展望

    Progress and Prospect in Implant Arthroplasty of the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint

  8. 移植的(足母)甲瓣及跖趾关节全部成活。农业科技园何时从观赏盆景到田间花园

    The transplants were all survived . From Potted Landscape to Garden

  9. 不吻合血管的自体跖趾关节移植的远期效果

    Late results of autotransplantation of whole joints in the hand

  10. 人体跖趾关节弯曲对行走步态特征的影响

    The influence of flexion of metatarsophalangeal joint on gait characteristics

  11. 以第一跖趾关节好发的占42.79%。

    At the attacked , the first metatarsophalangeal joint was involved among 42.79 % .

  12. 改良跖趾关节游离移植重建掌指关节的显微解剖及临床应用

    The replacement of damaged metacarpophalangeal joint with metatarsophalangeal joint : microdissection and clinical application

  13. 第一跖趾关节是成人中常见的疼痛与畸形的部位,其治疗包括非甾体抗炎药、矫形支具、关节融合或成形术等,但这些方法的疗效均不甚理想。

    The first metatarsophalangeal joint frequently is the site of pain and deformity in adults .

  14. 吻合血管的第二跖趾关节游离移植置换第二掌指关节11例

    Replacement of damaged second metacarpophalangeal joint with pedicaled second metatarsophalangeal joint : 11 cases report

  15. 跖趾关节软骨移植修复掌指关节面缺损

    Repair on the traumatic defect of metacarpophalangeal joint by the cartilage transplantation of metatarsophalangeal joint

  16. 第2跖趾关节、肌腱及皮瓣复合移植的显微外科解剖

    Microsurgical anatomy of complex tissue transplantation with the second metatarsophalangeal joint , tendon and skin flap

  17. 发病早期常由于跖趾关节滑膜炎局部发生肿痛。

    Come on inchoate because synovitis of Zhi foot joint is local , often produce gall .

  18. 穿高跟鞋行走,使第一跖趾关节的内侧韧带被拉长,外侧韧带收缩。

    Wear high-heeled shoes to walk , the first metatarsophalangeal joint medial ligament was elongated , lateral ligament shrinkage .

  19. 797%的病例以第一跖趾关节为首发部位,而第四跖趾关节未见累及;

    At the first attack , the first metatarsophalangeal joint was involved among 79 7 % of all cases ;

  20. 雷公藤内酯抑制大鼠再灌注损伤及延长供心存活时间移植的(足母)甲瓣及跖趾关节全部成活。

    Triptolide on inhibition of reperfusion injury and prolongation of allograft survival in rat cardiac transplants The transplants were all survived .

  21. 目的利用自体跖趾关节软骨移植修复掌指关节缺损的软骨面,为掌指关节创伤性关节炎提供简便、可靠的方法。

    Objective To present a simple and reliable method for the reconstruction of metacarpophalangeal joint by the cartilage transplantation of metatarsophalangeal joint .

  22. 由于女性本身的关节较柔软,若穿著不符生物力学的鞋款,第一跖趾关节容易受到压迫而变形。

    By wearing pairs of shoes without proper biological mechanics design , the first metatarsal joint would easily be pressured to distortion .

  23. 对年龄较大、(足母)外翻严重,或同时合并(足母)跖趾关节骨关节炎的患者是一个较好的治疗方法。

    The Keller 's operation is a good choice for those patients with old age , severe hallax valgus and combined osteoarthritis .

  24. 本课题在分析国内外研究现状的基础上提出了带有跖趾关节运动能力的下肢康复机器人。

    Based on the analysis of research status , this paper presents a new Lower Limbs Rehabilitative Robot with the capacity of metatarsophalangeal joint exercise .

  25. 结论跖趾关节复合组织瓣移植是修复掌指关节背侧复合组织缺损较有效方法。

    Conclusions It is the effective method on reconstruction of composite tissue defects in the metacarpophalangeal joint by transplantation of composite tissue flap in metatarsophalangeal joint .

  26. 方法:1988年起,应用游离足趾、甲瓣及姆甲瓣加第2跖趾关节联合移植等多种方法,再造拇手指42例45指。

    Since 1988 , free toe , wrap-around flap and second metatarsophalangeal joint transplantation has been used to reconstruct 45 thumbs and fingers in 42 patients .

  27. 第2跖趾关节同时携带第2跖骨、伸趾肌腱与足背皮瓣移植一期修复掌指关节、掌骨、伸肌腱与皮肤复合组织缺损3例;

    Three cases with defect of joint and extensor tendon were repaired by joint and extensor tendon of the second toe and dorsal flap of foot ;

  28. 我们对兔后肢趾长伸肌腱的血供系统进行了解剖观察,发现其环韧带以远接近跖趾关节的一段是制作微循环活体观察标本的理想部位。

    The blood supply system of the extensor digitorum longus tendon in the rabbit hindlimb is observed by the aid of dye injection technique and dissecting microscope .

  29. 结果:在跖趾关节运动受到约束后,人体其它关节角位移峰-峰值和角速度峰-峰值均有明显变化。

    Result : The apparent differences can be seen between the peak angular displacements and velocities of each joint for subjects with and without MP joints constraint .

  30. 结果表明,人体受扰后肢体绕跖趾关节的翻转动量矩可用来表示扰动强度。

    The results show that the stability of the human body after a perturbation deteriorates with increasing magnitude of the rotation momentum of the body relative to the MP joint .