
zhí gǔ
  • metatarsal bone;ossametatarsalia;cannon bone
跖骨 [zhí gǔ]
  • (1) [metatarsal bone]∶跗骨与后肢各趾骨间的骨,在陆生脊椎动物中相当于手或前爪的掌骨

  • (2) [cannon bone]∶掌骨

跖骨[zhí gǔ]
  1. 正常国人跖骨应力骨折的实验研究

    The experimental study of stress fracture of the metatarsal bones in normal Chinese adults

  2. 本文测量1607例正常儿童青少年第Ⅱ&Ⅳ跖骨皮质厚度和皮质面积,并计算出三种相对指数。

    The cortical thickness and area of the 2nd - 4th metatarsal bones were measured in 1607 cases of normal children and youngsters . Three relative indices were calculated also .

  3. 正常人组足横弓指数H=0.209±0.051,第一跖骨旋前角度P=8.75°±14.6°;

    Normal foot transverse arch index H was 0.209 ± 0.051 , first metatarsal pronation angle P was 8.75 °± 14.6 ° .

  4. 肝、胰和跖骨灰分Mn含量呈线性上升(P0.05或P0.01),其中以跖骨灰分Mn含量变化最明显。

    Mn contents in liver , pancreas and metatarsus ashes rise linearly ( P0.05 or P0.01 ) .

  5. 目的评估AO微型钢板治疗多发性掌骨或跖骨骨折的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the outcome of multiple metacarpal or metatarsal fractures treated with AO miniplates .

  6. 中药外敷加改良U形石膏治疗踝关节外侧副韧带损伤并第5跖骨基底部骨折

    Treatment of ankle lateral collateral ligament injury and fractures of the bottom of the fifth metatarsal with herbal compress and the reform of the U-shaped gypsum

  7. 肝、胰和跖骨灰Mn浓度线性上升(P<0.05或0.01),其中以跖骨灰Mn反应最敏感。

    And Mn concentrations of liver , pancreas and bone ash were linearly increased ( P < 0.05 or 0.01 ) with the most sensitive response for bone ash Mn .

  8. 结果:X线片示双侧掌骨、指骨、跖骨、尺桡骨及胫腓骨呈特征性TA骨膜反应。

    Results : Radiographic examination showed a characteristic periosteal reaction predominantly on the metacarpals , phalanges , metatarsals , tibias , fibulas , ulnae and radii .

  9. HVA>20°,1~2跖骨间角>10°是诊断和治疗HV的重要客观指标。

    The HVA > 20 °, the angle between first and second metatarsal > 10 ° is the important objective standard of diagnosing and treating HV .

  10. 改良McBride法联合第一跖骨基底外翻截骨治疗中重度踇外翻

    Modified McBride 's method combined with osteotomy of the first metatarsal for the treatment of moderate to severe hallus valgus

  11. 软组织平衡手术(McBride手术)或结合第1跖骨基底截骨术组,15例,20足。

    The McBride operation ( or in combination with osteotomy of the first metatarsal based ): 15 patients ( 20 feet );

  12. 目的探讨吻合足底深动脉与跖骨底动脉在GilbertⅢ型第二足趾游离移植再造手指中的应用及其疗效。

    Objective To explore and evaluate the application and outcome of anastomosis of thenar deep artery and volar metatarsal artery in Gilbert ⅲ type free second toe transplantation for finger reconstruction .

  13. 单纯后路矫形内固定治疗退变性腰椎侧凸截骨外固定术矫正先天性跖骨短缩畸形

    The correction and internal fixation of Degenerative lumbar scoliosis through posterior approach

  14. 发生第一跖骨骨折1例。

    One foot complicated with fracture of the first metatarsal .

  15. 跳绳致双足第三跖骨疲劳骨折1例

    Third metatarsal bone fatigue fractures of both feet caused by rope skipping

  16. 多趾畸形并第5跖骨发育不全1例

    A case of polydactylia associated with the fifth metatarsal maldevelopment

  17. 跖骨头骨软骨病21例诊断与治疗的探讨

    The inquiry of diagnosis and therapy for 21 patients with Freiberg disease

  18. 跖骨骨折并发足骨筋膜室综合征的临床治疗

    Treatment of metatarsal fracture complicated with foot compartment syndrome

  19. 纸板加压垫法治疗第五跖骨基底骨折113例临床分析

    Treatment for Fractures of the Fifth Metatarsal Base by Strawboard & pad Fixation

  20. 测量第一、二跖骨长度的临床意义

    The Clinical Significance of Measuring the Length of the First and Second Metatarsals

  21. 胎儿跖骨的滋养动脉

    The nutrient artery of the metatarsal bone of fetus

  22. 带血供第2跖骨底移植重建外踝的解剖学基础

    Anatomic basis of rebuilding lateral malleolus with the second metatarsus with blood supply

  23. 鸟类跗跖骨远端形态的两种模式及其栖息行为

    Morphology of Distal Tarsometatarsus and Perching Habits in Birds

  24. 第一跖骨背动脉变异的第二足趾游离移植

    Second toe transfer with first dorsal metatarsal artery variation

  25. 带血管蒂第二跖骨底骨瓣移位修复外踝骨缺损

    Transferring of the pedicled second metatarsal base for repairing bone defect of lateral malleolus

  26. 人体足跖骨的力学分析及其临床应用

    The mechanical analysis of metatarsal bones of human 's foot and its clinical application

  27. 取其双侧胫骨,第二跖骨,剔除周围的软组织。

    Bilateral tibia and the second metatarsus were moved out and rejected all connective tissue .

  28. 方法术中发现第一跖骨背动脉有变异。

    Methods Variation of the first dorsal metatarsal artery was observed intraoperatively in 2 cases .

  29. 组合带血管髂骨串联皮瓣重建第一、二跖骨及前足缺损

    Vascular iliac bone incorporating free flap transfer for reconstruction of defects of metatarsal and forefoot

  30. 太行山猕猴掌骨和跖骨重量与颅长的异速生长分析掌跖角化牙周病综合征

    Allometric Analysis on the Weight of Metacarpals and Metatarsals of Macaca mulatta in Taihang Mountains