
  • 网络next generation;Next Gen;Special;DLG;Generation Next
  1. 本文对次世代游戏产业的背景以及角色制作的相关技术做了深入的探讨和研究,并且通过自己的制作实践总结了一套具体的形而有效的制作方法。

    This thesis conducts profound discussion and study on the background and relevant technologies of role manufacture of next generation game industry , and summarizes a set of specific , effective and feasible manufacturing methods .

  2. 随着《过山车大亨》(RollerCoasterTycoon)等电脑游戏移植到了智能手机上,这一款次世代的过山车游戏可以让玩家有着时尚的互动体验。

    With classic PC games like Roller Coaster Tycoon now playable on smartphones , this next generation of thrill-ride creator is a welcome interactive experience .

  3. 日本次世代照明展LIGHTINGJAPAN汇集了照明设计、制造和发展LED/OLED照明装置、器具时所需的所有设备、元件和材料。

    Lighting Japan is the exhibition where all kinds of equipment , components and materials for designing , manufacturing and developing LED / OLED lighting devices and fixtures gather .

  4. 这肯定是在为那次世代MMO打的算盘。

    It is the culprit of the Next-Gen MMO no doubt .

  5. 任天堂(Nintendo)定于11月18日推出WiiU,并将其称为该公司的第一款次世代主机。

    On November 18 , Nintendo will launch the Wii u , a device it is calling the first next-generation console .

  6. 整合次世代的ICMS保证游戏稳定度。

    Integrates a next-generation ICMS to ensure stability during loading and gameplay .

  7. 风暴杰克逊隶属次世代高科技赛车

    Jackson 's storm is part of the next generation of hightech racers

  8. 罗兰公开赛-次世代网球

    Roland Garros N t Generation Tennis

  9. 从新定义工作与游戏空间,「华硕设计中心办公室」,反应次世代开放的工作方式。

    Redefining working space and leisure space , the " Asus Design Center " reflects a contemporary open working pattern for a new generation .

  10. 近年来,由于在传输效率和信息安全上具有显著的优势,量子通讯手段被认为是次世代通讯技术的基础。

    In recent years , quantum communications is considered to be supportive research for next-generation communication technology because of its transmission efficiency and absolute security .

  11. 我指的是赛车的数据胎压下压力重量分布空气动力学而次世代车型譬如风暴正在壮大

    I refer of course to racing data . Tire pressure , downforce , weight distribution , aerodynamics and NextGen 's like storm are taking advantage

  12. 你们也将会注意到更新中的许多部分和附加部分是已经从次世代版中转移过来的,360度带球系统就是这些中的一个例子。

    You will also notice that many of the improvements and additions have been taken from the NG titles , 360 dribbling is an example of this one .

  13. 通过与欧洲航天局及其他国家的科学家合作,美国宇航局正在建造次世代的太空望远镜,也许能够发现生命迹象。

    In cooperation with the European Space Agency and scientists from other nations , NASA is building the next generation of space telescopes that may be able to find evidence of life .

  14. 唐尼对这个大奖有些不以为意地开玩笑道:2005年第一次颁发世代大奖时,我仅仅在想我的大奖在哪儿呢?

    Downey sort of made light of the award joking , When the first generation award was given in 2005 , I thought simply , Wheres mine ?