
  • 网络shooting game;Shooter game;fps;stg;TPS
  1. 根据玩家在这一行星的统治家族中的不同声誉,玩家可以到基地里进行贸易,获取消息,接受任务甚至是像第一人称射击游戏那样发动侵略,征服这颗星球。

    Depending on the standing with the particular clan owning the planet , the player can trade , get news or missions from the base or even invading and conquering it in an FPS like way .

  2. 它融合了主视角射击游戏的武装特性,并将其放入了由指挥官发布命令的实时策略框架中。

    It takes the main combined arms nature of the FPS game , and places it within the framework of real-time strategy with a commander handing out orders .

  3. 人们白天可能会去当地的旅游景点、游泳馆或进行骑马、彩蛋射击游戏、远足或去博物馆等有趣的活动。

    People might make day trips to local tourist sites , swimming venues1 , or engage in fun activities such as horseback riding , paintball , hiking or visiting museums .

  4. 游戏简介:大型3D射击游戏,具有以下特点:多种武器选择;

    Large3D shooting game , have the following characteristics : A variety of weapons to choose ;

  5. 猎鹰行动,这是一款2D主视角的射击游戏,还不错。

    Falcon , which is a main2D perspective shooting games , not bad .

  6. 用VC++6.0和DirectX实现太空射击游戏引擎

    Implementation of Shooting Game by VC + + 6.0 and DirectX

  7. 第一人称射击游戏,或者大型的我们称之为3A级的游戏,

    first-person shooters , or the big , what we would call AAA games ,

  8. SC可能是射击游戏的子弹样式被给予官方、个人化的名字的第一个例子。

    Spell Cards were probably the first known instance of a shooting game 's bullet patterns being given official , personalized names .

  9. 游戏制造商维尔福公司(Valve)出品的免费射击游戏《军团要塞2》(TeamFortress2)的升级版,是正式支持Rift3-D体验的首款游戏。

    An updated version of Team Fortress 2 , a free-to-play shooter from game creator valve , is the first game to officially support the 3-D experience offered by rift .

  10. 该方法较大地提高了3D角色实时动态碰撞检测效率,可应用于第一人称射击游戏、3D角色模拟游戏、机器人寻径以及虚拟战术环境中。

    This method can be applied to the FPS ( First Person Shooting ) game , 3D Character simulation game , path-finding in Robotics as well as virtual tactics to improve efficiency of 3D articulated character collision detection .

  11. 去年12月,在拉斯维加斯的一场活动上,索尼旗下的圣地亚哥工作室推出它的首款免费增值游戏《KillStrain》,这是一款“5V2V5”的多人对战射击游戏。

    At an event in Las Vegas in December , Sony 's internal San Diego Studios debuted its first free-to-play game , Kill Strain , which pits teams of five verses two verses five players in shooting action .

  12. 虽然游戏主要是一个第一人称射击游戏,变速箱设法在一个坚实的RPG游戏经验,以及补习班。

    While the game was primarily a first person shooter , Gearbox managed to cram in a solid RPG experience as well .

  13. 不象大多数射击游戏的目的就是射杀移动的东西,在SWAT里任务是服务和保护市民。

    Unlike most shooters , where your goal is to kill anything that moves , your job in SWAT is to serve and protect the citizenry .

  14. 最后运用该图像引擎,结合创造性的运用C语言实现的部分面向对象思想以及部分设计模式,开发了一个基于移动BREW平台的第一人称射击游戏应用。

    Finally the use of the image engine , combined with creative use of C language implementation of the part of the object-oriented thinking as well as some design patterns , developed a BREW-based mobile platform first person shooter gaming applications .

  15. 我的很多学生常常惊讶于他们的老师能在在线第一人称射击游戏中狠狠教训他们,或者完全忘情于一个优秀的RPG游戏。

    My students always found it amusing that their teacher could kick their butts in online first-person shooters , or that he could lose himself in a good RPG .

  16. 这款来自美国著名电子游戏软件制作室Bungie的第一人称射击游戏在全球已经售出超过5000万份。

    This first-person shooter from Bungie has sold over 50 million copies worldwide .

  17. 这位Facebook创始人在本周于硅谷举行的OculusConnect会议上告诉与会者,他跟世界各地的领导人用Oculus头盔打过虚拟乒乓球,跟有的领导人也许还要玩一盘射击游戏——取决于是哪种类型的领导人。

    The social network 's founder has played VR ping pong with world leaders , and maybe even a shooting game , depending on what kind of leader it is , he told attendees at the Oculus Connect conference in Silicon Valley this week .

  18. 恐怖,射击游戏中同类型的优良传统保持!

    Horror-shooter in keeping with the best traditions of the genre !

  19. 我听说日本最近很流行射击游戏。

    I heard Japan is very fond of shooters lately .

  20. 一款画面还不错的动作射击游戏!

    A screen is also a good action shooter game !

  21. 第一视角射击游戏的几项关键技术研究

    Research on Some Key Technologys of First Person Shoot Game

  22. 它们是射击游戏里完美的击杀对象;

    They 're the perfect opponent in shooting games ;

  23. 排名第一的射击游戏登陆手机平台。

    Number one shooter landing platform for mobile phones .

  24. 描述:天文复仇者-寻找一个空间射击游戏,将出乎您的意料?

    Description : Astro avenger-Looking for a space shooter that will surprise you ?

  25. 这是第一人称射击游戏。

    This is a first person shooter games .

  26. 在这个像迷宫一样的射击游戏-,你将扮演害虫抑制器。

    In this puzzle like-shooting game , you will play as a Pest Exterminator .

  27. 关于基因改良过的星际战士最棒的第一人称射击游戏是什么?

    What 's the best first-person shooter about genetically modified space marines ? Halo !

  28. 把企业的命令在此激烈的射击游戏改编电影。

    Take command of the Enterprise in this intense shooter game adapted from the film .

  29. 一款俄语版的射击游戏。

    Russian version of the shooting game .

  30. 这是一个射击游戏。

    This is a shooting game .