
shè liè
  • hunting with bow and arrow;hunting with bow and arrow or firearms
射猎 [shè liè]
  • [hunting with bow and arrow] 在野外猎捕鸟兽

射猎[shè liè]
  1. 他们在荒野射猎松鸡

    They 're shooting grouse up on the moors .

  2. 射猎活动源于人类最初的蛮荒时代。

    It originated in the beginning period of human beings .

  3. 一个射猎鹌鹑上市出售的驯犬员。

    A dog trainer who shot quail for the market .

  4. 书中的家庭对射猎很感兴趣。

    The family in the book is passionate about hunting .

  5. 人类射猎野生动物要它们的皮毛和肉。

    Men hunt wild animals for their fur and meat .

  6. 例如:后者使他们的时间仪式化,有射猎松鸡的季节、有镇上度日的季节等。

    The latter , for example , ritualized their time ;

  7. 他们以前总是夏天捕鱼,冬天射猎。

    They used to fish in the summer and shoot in the winter .

  8. 射猎以其丰富的文化内涵,多方面影响了华夏大地的社会文明。

    It has greatly influenced Chinese social civilization with its rich cultural connotations .

  9. 他们常常参加本地的射猎聚会。

    They often take part in the local shoot .

  10. 宋玉《招魂》的创作背景,当与楚襄王射猎云梦、惊兕失魂有关,其所招应为楚襄王之生魂。

    Based on the background Song Yu wrote his evocation , it should be Chuxiang king who was evocated .

  11. 五年前,他在射猎时从藏身的树上掉下来了,被一支箭刺穿了腿

    He had fallen out of a tree-blind five years ago while bow hunting -- stuck an arrow through his leg .

  12. 同样,群众也不能都有打猎的爱好,因为很快就会没有动物可供射猎。

    Again , the masses cannot go in for hunting , for very soon there would be no animals left to hunt .

  13. 射猎是中国古代一种重要的军事体育活动,具有多功能、综合性的特点。

    Hunting with bows and arrows was an important kind of military sport in ancient China which was characterized by multi-functions and comprehensiveness .

  14. 后者使他们的时间仪式化,有射猎松鸡的季节、有镇上度日的季节等。

    The latter , for example , ritualized their time ; there was a season to shoot grouse , a season to spend in town , etc.

  15. 由于刻苦努力,他学得相当不错,而且得以在剑桥附近的乡村射猎、钓鱼以及收集各种昆虫。

    With hard work , he did quite well . And , in the countryside around Cambridge , he was able to shoot , fish and collect insects .