
  • 网络limestone cave
  1. 学生:书里说它是美国最深的石灰岩洞穴。

    Student : It 's the deepest limestone cave in the U.S. ?

  2. 教授:是的,所以世界上有两种类型的石灰岩洞穴。

    Professor : Yes , so there are two kinds of limestone caves .

  3. 闽西石灰岩洞穴地质特征及其石笋发育过程的古气候变化

    Geological feature of limestone caves in western Fujian and its paleoclimatic changes during stalagmite development

  4. 石灰岩洞穴中文化层盖板的成因新见

    A new idea of the origin of the cover sheets of cultural layers in limestone caves

  5. 依靠这种弱酸的帮助和水流的冲击力,大部分石灰岩洞穴形成了。

    With a little help from this carbonic acid , moving water forms most of the world 's limestone caves .

  6. 天坑形成方式通常有两种情况:一是水分饱和的土壤,由于重量过大致使地下石灰岩洞穴无法承受,造成顶部坍塌;或者因为水流导致石灰石岩床上的天然裂缝变宽。

    Natural sinkholes generally form when heavy , water-saturated soil causes the roof of an underground limestone cavity to collapse , or when water widens a natural fracture in limestone bedrock .

  7. 当我前几年进行这个研究的时候,我探访了一些这种典型的石灰岩洞穴,它们都非常的潮湿,有的是小溪,有的是河流。

    When I was researching this for a study a few years ago , I visited a couple of these typical limestone caves and they are all very wet , you know , from streams and rivers .

  8. 由古老火山熔岩冲击石灰岩形成的洞穴中,存在着雕刻成风景样式的艺术作品,展现了平原上的成群的高塔。

    The caves containing the motifs were carved into the landscape by ancient volcanic lava flows that cut into the limestone , forming clusters of towers that erupt from the plains .