
  1. 某型飞机翼身主接头的载荷分配研究

    Research on Load Distribution of Aircraft Wing / Fuselage Main Joints

  2. 某型飞机翼身主交点框下部疲劳寿命试验

    Fatigue Life Test of the Lower Portion of a Main Fuselage-Wing Bulkhead

  3. 所以无论何人,不按理吃主的饼,喝主的杯,就是干犯主的身主的血了。

    Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread , and drink this cup of the Lord , unworthily , shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord .

  4. 本文对换流变压器器身主绝缘建立了瞬态电场计算模型,分别对绝缘介质进行了各向同性线性或非线性与各向异性线性或非线性计算分析。

    In this paper , the main body of converter transformer insulation calculation model established a transient electric field , respectively , for the isotropic dielectric linear or nonlinear and anisotropic linear or nonlinear computational analysis .

  5. 斜切身管主射流偏转角δ的计算

    Calculation of the Yaw Angle of Main Jet in Obliquely-Cut Barrel

  6. 采用动量定理为主要处理方法,对斜切身管主射流偏转角δ的计算方法进行了探讨。

    By using momentum theorem , the calculating methods of the yaw angle of main jet in obliquely-cut barrel are studied .

  7. 自我传播是指存在于一个人身上的主我与客我之间的信息交流活动。

    Ego transmission refers to the activity of information exchange between ego and self .