
  1. 为什么你会和才云在一起?

    Why were you with Jae un ?

  2. 但我们看不出数学或诗的先天可以消融到血液中并在孩子身上形成相似的快乐喜爱和才调。

    But we can 't see how a liking for mathematics or poetic genius can be dissolved in blood and produce a similar liking or genius in the child .

  3. 他在工作中充分发挥其想象力、技能和聪明才智来解决各种难题。

    He tackled the job with a great deal of imagination , skill and cunning .

  4. 他全凭超凡的决心和勇气才使自己振作起来。

    It was only by a supreme effort of will and courage that he was able to pull himself together .

  5. 英国大部分地区遭遇极寒天气,最低气温降至零下11度,出现了只在北极和南极才有的“冰雪薄饼”。

    Unusual ' ice pancakes ' normally only found in the Arctic and Antarctic have been spotted1 in Britain , as temperatures plunged2 to - 11C with almost the whole country in the grip of icy weather .

  6. 只有业务部门告知您或关心的异常和错误才应该在顶级BusinessProcessDefinition上可见。

    The only exceptions and errors that should be visible on the top-level Business Process Definition are the ones the business tells you about and cares about .

  7. Web浏览和应用才是手机的关键所在,拥有诸如jQueryMobile这样的工具,就可以轻易地为您的应用程序创建一个移动友好界面。

    Web browsing and applications are where it 's at , and with tools like jQuery Mobile you can easily put a mobile-friendly face on your application .

  8. 无论在ERT系统还是在ECT系统中,如何提高成像的速度和精度才是关键,为了提高成像的质量,信息融合技术已经成为一种重要的选择。

    No matter in ERT system or a ECT system , how to improve imaging speed and precision is the key , In order to improve the quality of the image , this paper puts forward the idea of image fusion . Information fusion technology has become an important option .

  9. 安迪;玩具和衣服才是无形杀手。

    Andy : The toys and clothes are the real killers .

  10. 很多人都认为猫是因为满足和愉快才发出这种声音的。

    Many suggest a cat purrs from contentment and pleasure .

  11. 英超和德甲才是最好的联赛。

    Premier League and Bundesliga are the best league in the world .

  12. 我典当了手表和香烟才保证圣诞节过得快乐。

    I pawned my watch and cigarette to ensure a happy Christmas .

  13. 只有那时候,道歉和原谅才可能实现。

    Only then does the possibility of apology and forgiveness become real .

  14. 毫无疑问,老布什和小布什才该是罪人。

    W.Bush and Gorge W.Bush should be the sinner-taker .

  15. 并不是只有在德国和日本才有坏蛋。

    Not every heel was in Germany and japan .

  16. 正因为是在这种情况下,国际援助和监督才很重要。

    It was in this context that international support and scrutiny were critical .

  17. 传统的国际事务参与者&法国和英国才是欧盟外交政策的主导者。

    It has left those to traditional global actors – France and the UK .

  18. [谚]只有傻瓜和骗子才同别人打赌。

    None but fools and knaves lay wagers .

  19. 她只认为这桩婚事是由于金钱和地位才受阻的。

    She only thought the marriage was impeded for want of money and position .

  20. 诚如党的标语教导的那样:无产者和动物才自由。

    As the Party slogan put it : ' Proles and animals are free . '

  21. 执行的特质和功能才是管理效能的重要保障。

    The features and functions of the execution component set the base of administrative efficiency .

  22. 而当狄仁杰担任大臣后,她的激进和极端才逐渐改变。

    When Dee Renjie became a minister , she gradually changed from this radical extreme .

  23. 诚实和谦逊才是你的朋友。

    Honesty and humility are your friends .

  24. 不过对她来说,当模特只是个工作,音乐和写作才是她真正的爱好。

    Modeling , however , was just a job ; music and writing were her true passions .

  25. 世界肯定能化解这一威胁,但必须发展新知识和科技才行。

    The world can surely deflect this threat but will need to develop new knowledge and technologies .

  26. 只有在法律正义中法律和道德才非常接近,几乎合而为一。

    It is in legal justice that law and morals meet so closely as almost to merge .

  27. 这是敌人的领土,只是为了贸易和战争才强行渗入。

    This was the territory of enemies , penetrated only for the purposes of trade and war .

  28. 在新的经济模式下,教育和智慧才是最重要的。

    Under traditional economic mode , it is the capital and physical strength that is of the utmost importance .

  29. 欧元区的核心国家如德国、法国和意大利才是真正的困难户。

    The truly troubled economies of Europe were always the core euro-area ones : germany , France and italy .

  30. 要知道,这个花圃花费了大卫多少时间和精力才侍弄成今天这个令邻居们无比羡慕的样子呀!

    David had put a10t of time and effort into making those flower beds the envy of the neighborhood .