
  • 网络peacekeeper;Defenders of Peace
  1. 这个强大的非正统的和平卫士发现了克莱顿意识中的虫洞资料。

    This powerful and unconventional peacekeeper discovered the wormhole information in crichton 's mind .

  2. 上周,来自一个名为和平卫士(GuardiansofPeace)的团体的黑客曾令索尼影视的内部计算机网络陷入瘫痪,访问了涉密的电子邮件及其他数据,并威胁要公布这些数据。

    Hackers from a group called Guardians of Peace last week paralysed Sony Pictures ' internal computer network , accessing confidential emails and other data and threatening to release it .

  3. 上周,来自一个名为“和平卫士(GuardiansofPeace)”的团体的黑客曾令索尼影视的内部计算机网络陷入瘫痪,访问了涉密的电子邮件及其他数据,并威胁要公布这些数据。

    Hackers from a group called Guardians of Peace last week paralysed Sony Pictures " internal computer network , accessing confidential emails and other data and threatening to release it .

  4. 一群自称和平卫士(GuardiansofPeace)的黑客泄露了索尼的大量公司数据,包括其员工的健康记录和其他个人信息、以及该公司高管的电邮。

    Huge amounts of company data , including employees ' health records and other personal information and executives ' emails , were leaked by a group calling itself Guardians of Peace .

  5. 他说,在发出电子邮件威胁索尼员工并在网上贴出解释其工作的声明时,声称为此次网络袭击负责的和平卫士(GuardiansofPeace)使用了代理服务掩饰他们的位置。

    Guardians of Peace , the group claiming credit for the attack , used proxy services to disguise their location when sending emails threatening Sony employees and posting statements online explaining their work , he said .

  6. 和平卫士这个游戏现在正在其公司的网站上销售,售价约20美元。

    The PeaceMaker game is being sold on the company 's website for $ 20 .

  7. 剑鸟是一只大白鸟,是和平卫士。呼唤他需要一首歌和一颗宝石。

    Swordbird , a white bird and guardian of peace , can be summoned with a song and a gem .

  8. 一个自称和平卫士黑客组织星期二发表声明,威胁要让观看这部影片的人吃苦头。

    A hacker group calling itself Guardians of Peace on Tuesday released a statement promising a bitter fate to those who attend showings of The Interview .

  9. 这些士兵的作用很重要,因为他们对二丫很友好,给了她食物和酒,还向她解释他们是河间地的和平卫士。

    The soldiers are important simply because they 're nice to Arya , offering her food and booze , before explaining their role as peacemakers in the Riverlands .

  10. 索尼影业今年11月宣布,公司遭受了自称为和平卫士黑客组织的攻击。而在很早以前,索尼的另一个部门就遭遇过网络攻击。

    Long before Sony Pictures Entertainment revealed in November that it had been hacked by a group calling itself the Guardians of Peace , another division of Sony was attacked by cyber attackers .

  11. 我们是和平的卫士,而不是斗士。

    We are keepers of the peace , not soldiers .

  12. 我们需要这方面的力量,因为我们是和平的卫士。

    We need this kind of strength because we are the guardians of the peace .