
  • 网络a change in quantity demanded
  1. 灰色系统分析应用&预测上海房地产市场需求量变化并对其影响因素做关联度分析

    Application of Gray System & Predict Demand Change of Real Estate Market in Shanghai and Analyses Correlative Degree of Factors Affecting Demand with Gray System

  2. 因此,出租车需求量变化趋势的预测,是保证城市出租车行业资源优化配置、持续良性的发展以及制定合理的城市交通拥挤政策的前提。

    Therefore , reasonable taxi number trend prediction is to guarantee the city taxi industry resource allocation optimization and continuous benign development and formulate reasonable urban traffic congestion policy premise .

  3. 先分析了我国2005年的汽车总体需求量变化趋势,再结合对武汉市家用汽车消费市场分析的结论对05年武汉家用汽车市场销量以及市场变化趋势进行预测。

    Firstly , it analyzes the general evolution trend of automobile demand in 2005 , and then predicts the sales of Wuhan sedan markets and market evolution trend based on market analyzing conclusion .

  4. 本文在对区域需求量变化的影响因素分析以及对区域物流需求量指标选取的基础上,采用灰色预测方法对区域物流需求量进行预测。

    This essay predict the regional logistics demand with grey prediction on the basis of analyzing of the influence factors of the regional logistics demand and choosing of the indexes of the regional logistics demand .

  5. 深入分析了产生营销过度的原因,并针对这些原因提出了注意需求量变化、降低单位营销活动价格、关注营销准入成本变化等防范营销过度的几点对策。

    Analyzes in depth the causes of over-marketing and proposes some measures to take against it , such as focusing on the change in demand , cutting down the marketing cost and caring about the cost for admission to market .

  6. 通过比较竞争性与非竞争性拍卖市场的关键变量值,分析了定价企业是如何造成许可需求量的变化来操纵许可价格,达到减少治理污染总的财政负担的目的的。

    By comparing the essential variable values of the competitive and the non-competitive auction market , how price fixing enterprises manipulate the permitting price by creating changes of permission demand is analysed in order to reduce the financial burden of pollution disposal .

  7. 市场环境的变化导致零售商对仓库中产品需求量也随之变化。

    Changing of market environment brought about its product demand in the warehouse .

  8. 在此基础上,提出以电梯交通需求净增量及其变化率强度为依据的交通模式划分的新规则。

    A new principle of traffic pattern recognition based on the net increment and the intensity of gradient change of the traffic demand is presented .

  9. 提出了一个跨期间的最优动态选址和作业模式模型,模型考虑跨期间、多城市的情况,并且作业能力、各城市需求量随时间变化。

    This paper puts forwards an optimum model for multi-period dynamic location and process service . It includes multi-period , multi-city with changing process capacity and changing demand of cities every year .

  10. 全球小麦产量近年来饱受需求量增加以及气候变化的威胁。

    Global wheat production has been under threat in recent years from increasing demand and climate change .

  11. 在基于粮食安全的基础上预测耕地需求量,与耕地变化趋势预测结果进行对比分析,找出存在的问题。

    On the basis of food security , we forecast the demand of the cultivated land , and compare it with the changing trends , then we can find the problem .

  12. 另外,农网、城网两网改造后,电力企业的固定资产增幅大,折旧成本增大,当然,供电需求量也会发生变化,以上这些对供电企业营销经济活动影响很大。

    In addition , demand of power supply will change for the rises of fixed assets and depreciation cost in electric power corporation after the reform of agriculture and urban electric network . All those mentioned above have great effect on marketing and economic activities in power supply enterprises .

  13. 并以某地区用电负荷为例,分析了该地区在实施基于价格和基于激励两项需求侧响应措施下,电价和激励措施与用户需求量的变化关系。

    And take the load of a certain areas for example , analyzed the fluctuation between price / incentive measures and demand .

  14. 指出价格是影响信息商品需求的重要因素,不同类型的信息商品的需求量对价格变化的反应灵敏度也是不同的;

    Price is an important effect of the demand of information commodity . The demands of different information commodities have different responses to the changes of price .

  15. 改变了以往在物流园区规划中将物流服务需求量看作常量的做法,充分考虑物流园区物流服务需求量的动态变化,分析物流园区物流服务需求的随机特性,使模型更接近于客观实际;

    Changing the method of regarding the logistics service demand as a constant , analyzing the random characteristic of the logistics service demand in Logistics Park , making the model nearer to the objective facts ;

  16. 利用随机需求弹性分析了当消费群体的收入为随机变量时,其收入对需求量的变化和影响。

    The change and influence of demand is analysed by using the stochastic demand elasticity when the receipts of consumer groups are random variable .