
  • 网络Undersea exploration;Exploring the sea-floor
  1. 国外海底勘探技术的新动向

    The new trend of foreign sea - bottom survey

  2. 深海底勘探的法律规制问题研究&以对公海生物多样性的影响为视角

    Issues of Laws and Regulations on Deep Seabed Exploration : An angle from the Influence on diversity of High Sea

  3. 在海底勘探时需要有一定的定位系统配合,这些系统可以在局部海域对水下目标进行高精度的定位。

    The seabed exploration requires positioning system which can be used to locate the n position of the underwater target .

  4. 如何占领海底勘探市场已成为各勘探公司重要的发展方向性课题之一。

    It is a important question about the developing direction for all exploration companies that how to get the sea-bottom surveying market .

  5. 经过四年多的海底勘探和挖掘,目前考古学家向我们展示了已经消逝了的古埃及古城的残骸。

    After more than four years of underwater searching and digging , archaeologists today displayed the remains of a vanished Egyptian city .

  6. 仿鱼机器人在海洋生物考察、海底勘探、救生以及军事领域具有很高的应用价值。

    Moreover , it can be used for the research on the ocean life , ocean observation , life saving and military areas . It has very high value of application .

  7. 该技术已经成为海底电缆勘探的标准。

    The technique has already become the criterion of OBC exploration .

  8. 他们的工作可以为与海底生物勘探有关的难题提供拨云见日之见。

    Their efforts can yield insights into the difficulties associated with bioprospecting on the seafloor .

  9. 对石油资源的需求激发了海底电磁勘探技术的研究与应用。

    The increasing demand of petroleum resources has activized studies and applications of ocean bottom electromagnetic exploration technologies .

  10. 超声成像已经在医学上、无损检测、海底地形勘探、水下沉船打捞等领域有较为广泛的应用。

    Ultrasound Imaging has extensive applications in medicine , non-destructive testing , mapping of submarine topography , wreck salvage underwater .

  11. 然而关于海底资源勘探开发作业工具&钻井平台,其相关的法律问题,特别是钻井平台在开采作业中对海洋造成污染的责任问题,依然模糊不清。

    However , the exploitation tool , drilling platform , it is still ambiguous about its legal questions , and its responsibility of marine pollution .

  12. 所研制的水下接驳盒原型系统在海洋环境监测、海啸灾害监测和海底资源勘探等领域都具有广阔的应用前景。

    The underwater junction box prototype system has the advantage that it can also be used in applications such as marine environmental monitoring , tsunami disaster monitoring , seafloor resource exploration .

  13. 在不久的将来,仿生机器鱼会在极为复杂的水下环境中进行海洋生物观察、海底资源勘探、军事侦察和水下施工等艰巨工作。

    In the future , the bio-mimetic robotic fish will be engaged in the tasks such as benthos observation , oceanic exploration , military reconnaissance and underwater construction in the complex underwater environment .

  14. 但也存在不少限制因素,如深水区离岸较远,海底矿产勘探程度低,自然灾害较多等。

    But there are also some restrictive factors , such as the deepwater area is far from the coastline , the prospecting level of submarine mineral resources is low and coastal hazards are serious .

  15. 针对TEM仪器置于海底进行资源勘探存在的问题,采用带网卡的PC/104&HXL/P300作为接收机的主处理器。

    The problem occurs when TEM instrument is placed in the seafloor to explore resource , PC / 104 & HXL / P300 with network card is adopted as the main processor in receiver to solve it .

  16. 在海底资源矿产勘探中,海洋电磁法是一种非常重要及有效的方法。

    In mineral exploration of seabed resources , marine electromagnetic method is avery important and effective way .

  17. 在海底电缆地震勘探时,拖放的电缆往往不能下沉在设计位置。

    An Earthquake The cable used in OBC survey is sometimes incapable of sinking to the design position .

  18. 瞬变电磁法应用于浅海底进行资源勘探或工程地质勘查时,需要将仪器系统和观测装置置于海底,以克服海水屏蔽效应。

    When transient electromagnetic system is applied to sea-floor resource exploration and engineering geology investigation , the instrument systems and arrangements need to be put into the seawater to avoid the shield of conductive seawater .

  19. 海上地震拖缆系统是用来勘探海底石油分布的勘探系统,通常由海洋勘探船、引导拖缆、零浮力拖缆阵列、水下拖体、各种探测控制设备等组成。

    Marine seismic streams system is an exploration system to explore the oil distribution of seabed , which usually consists of marine exploration ship direction cable , zero - buoyancy streamers , underwater tow-body and all kings of exploration & controlling equipments .

  20. 海底探测和识别研究是海洋科学研究领域关注的课题之一,其研究方法和成果在海底资源勘探、海洋环境监测、海洋工程建设以及海洋军事活动等方面均具有极为重要的应用价值。

    The detection and recognition study of seafloor is one of the most active front fields of the marine sciences research , which has an important academic significance and application value in the exploration and exploitation of seabed recourses , ocean environment monitoring , marine engineering construction and military operations .