
  • 网络shanghai style novel
  1. 张爱玲对海派小说传统的耽溺和超越

    Zhang Ailing 's Indulging in and Surmounting of the Shanghai Style Novel Tradition

  2. 磨镜与断袖&海派小说中的同性恋现象

    Rubbing the Mirror and Ripping the Sleeves-Homosexual Phenomena in Shanghai-style Novels

  3. 简论四十年代海派小说的艺术个性

    Discussion on artistic individuality of Shanghai-style fiction in 1940 's

  4. 酒吧与弄堂建构的新海派小说风情

    Pub and Alley Fiction Style of Neo-Shanghai Literature School

  5. 海派小说的现代性阐释

    On Modernity of the Shanghai-School Fiction

  6. 虽然书写女同性恋行为本身具有现代性色彩,但是海派小说中的女同性恋的描写与同时期的丁玲等的创作相比,其现代性的程度逊色很多。

    Although the portraying of female homosexual behaviors has some modern color in itself , Shanghai-style novels are overshadowed by the creation of contemporaneous writers like Ding Ling in the regard of the extent of modernity .

  7. 本文试图通过性爱问题的考察,呈现海派小说中现代性与传统性的样态及冲突,对海派作品的现代性意义进行重新阐释。

    This thesis tries to re-explain criticism meaning in the works of the novel of Shanghai style through observing sexual problems in Shanghai style novels and criticism and tradition and the conflicts between the two types .

  8. 本文还分析了海派小说在生存焦虑中,为了寻求生存的慰藉所作的努力:一方面,它们潜入日常生活去寻求安稳的现世人生,表现出现代人对凡俗的认同;

    This thesis also analyzes the efforts that Shanghai-school Fiction makes for seeking the existence consolation : on one hand , this school goes deep down into daily life for pursuing stable life , demonstrating modem people 's identifications with the secular world ;

  9. 海派小说雅俗互动态势的形成与上海作为西方各国的租界全面移植了资本主义的生产、生活方式密切相关。上海租界地与晚清小说的繁荣

    The formation of this circumstance was closely related to concessions being given away to West mat ions in Shanghai , which resulted in the large-scale transplantation of capitalist production and life style . The Leased Territory in Shanghai and the Flourishing Success of Stories and Novels in Late Qing Dynasty

  10. 那么,本文的论述也可能在个别观点上偏离了作家的本意,在我,也只是想借助海派市民小说这一视域,来探讨人生中一些无法绕过的重大问题。

    Then , the argumentation of this text may deviate from the writer 's original idea on the specific view too , At I , it hopes and look land at one through citizen novel too come and probe into great problems that winds in life .

  11. 海派女作家小说语言的诗化风格

    The Poetic Language Style in Novels by the Women Writers of the Shanghai School

  12. 《风月梦》作为海派狭邪小说的先声,具有突出的文本示范意义。

    As the harbinger of Shanghai school modern Xia Xie novel ,《 Feng Yue Meng 》 has the prominent text demonstration significance .

  13. 《海上花列传》作为旧海派空前绝后的杰作,对现代海派小说的影响是深远的,尤其是在都市民间文化突兀而现的20世纪40年代。

    Biography of the Social Butterfly in Shanghai , the masterpiece of the old Shanghai School , has a profound influence on the modern Shanghai School , especially in the 1940s , when the townsfolk culture in big cities came into being .