
  1. 石灰石-石膏法脱硫系统GGH堵塞解决措施

    The Measures to GGH Blocking in Limestone-Gypsum Desulfurization System

  2. 影响湿式石灰石石膏法脱硫效率的因素很多,为了更准确地计算和预测脱硫效率,对其中的几个关键因素进行了回归分析,并得出了脱硫效率与液气比和浆液pH值的数学关系式。

    There are many factors to influence desulfurization efficiency of wet process . In order to calculate and forecast desulfurization efficiency more exactly , carries out the regression analysis on some key factors , gets the relationship formula between desulfurization efficiency , liquid-gas ratio and PH value of serosity .

  3. 湿式石灰石-石膏法脱硫效率的因素分析

    The Affected Factors on the Efficiency of the Wet Limestone-Gypsum Process

  4. 湿式石灰石-石膏法脱硫技术及分析

    Technique and Analysis of Desulfurization of Wet Limestone - gypsum

  5. 湿式石灰石-石膏法脱硫工艺的改进

    Wet limestone-gypsum method : the improvement of desulfurization technics

  6. 喷雾干燥法与石灰石石膏法脱硫工艺比较

    The Comparison of Spray Dry Absorber FGD System with Limestone Gypsum FGD System

  7. 对石灰石-石膏法脱硫装置吸收塔衬里橡胶的应用研究

    Application Research of Lining Rubber in Absorber in Desulfuration Construction by Using Limestone-gypsum Method

  8. 并提出了进一步完善湿式石灰石-石膏法脱硫技术的建议。

    This paper offers suggestions on how to consummate the technique of wet limestone-gypsum further .

  9. 为诊断湿法石灰石-石膏法脱硫装置的故障,开发了脱硫装置故障诊断专家系统软件。

    The fault diagnostic expert system software for FGD device has been developed for diagnose the failures of the wet limestone-gypsum FGD device .

  10. 针对目前燃煤电厂采用湿式石灰石-石膏法脱硫工艺取消烟气加热装置的烟囱设计存在的问题,分析了排烟参数的变化对钢内筒防腐的影响。

    In view of existing problems in the chimney design resulted from the limestone-gypsum wet FGD device without GGH , this paper analyzed the effect of exhaust parameters changing on the anticorrosion design of inner steel flue .

  11. 燃煤锅炉排放SO2控制技术有多种方式,最有效而得到广泛应用的是湿式石灰/石灰石&石膏法烟气脱硫技术。

    There are many control technologies of pollutant SO2 discharged by coal-fired boiler at the present time , including of wet lime / limestone-gypsum flue gas desulfurization ( FGD ), which is the most effective FGD technology and used in many fields .

  12. 研究了烟气脱硫装置设计中应用计算机辅助分析(CAE)技术实现精准设计的方法,介绍了该技术在扬州电厂200MW机组石灰石-石膏法烟气脱硫工程烟道设计中的应用。

    A computer aided engineering analysis ( CAE ) method applied to a precision design of the FGD apparatus is introduced . It was used in flue gas channel design of 200 MW limestone-gypsum wet FGD in Yang Zhou Power Plant .

  13. 石灰石-石膏法烟气脱硫费用分析

    Cost analysis of lime stone - gypsum method flue gas desulfurization

  14. 电厂石灰石-石膏法烟气脱硫废水处理

    Sewage treatment of limestone-gypsum flue gas desulfurization in power plant

  15. 湿式石灰石/石膏法烟气脱硫系统的防腐蚀措施

    Corrosion and Anticorrosion of Wet Limestone-gypsum Flue Gas Desulfurization System

  16. 石灰-石膏法尾气脱硫效率影响因素分析与对策

    Analysis of factors affecting tail gas desulphurization efficiency of lime-gypsum process and countermeasures

  17. 火电厂石灰石&石膏法烟气脱硫装置简介

    Brief Introduction of Gas Desulfurizing Installation in Limestone-Gypsum Method in Thermal Power Plant

  18. 设计并开发了湿式石灰石石膏法烟气脱硫集散控制系统的仿真软件;

    Simulation software were designed and empoldered .

  19. 根据湿式石灰石石膏法烟气脱硫的特点,分析了影响系统脱硫效率的主要因素;

    According to the characteristic of the wet limestone-gypsum flue gas desulfurization , the main factor about influencing the efficiency of desulfurization is analyzed ;

  20. 作为一种发展较早,技术较成熟的脱硫技术,湿式石灰石/石灰-石膏法烟气脱硫技术未来应进一步改进、简化系统,缩小设备,控制二次污染,使脱硫副产物资源化。

    As an early and well-developed technology , in the future , the system and the units should be simplified , and the pollutant should be fully used .

  21. 介绍了燃煤电厂在湿式石灰石(石灰)-石膏法烟气脱硫工艺中的脱硫石膏质量控制。

    This paper introduces the techniques for controlling the quality of calcium sulfate produced as by-product in a wet limestone ( lime ) - gypsum flue gas desulfurization technology adopted by electric power plant .

  22. 论文致力于湿式石灰石石膏法烟气脱硫集散控制系统的仿真研究,基于不同工况的要求,建立了一系列的仿真数学模型;

    The thesis hammered at the study on simulation of distributed control system for wet limestone-gypsum flue-gas desulfuration . Basing on different working situations , a series of mathematic models for simulation were established .

  23. 重点分/析了石灰石/石灰-石膏法湿法烟气脱硫技术的应用。

    The technology of sulfur removal with limestone / lime-plaster is stressed .

  24. 双控单循环湿式石灰-石膏抛弃法烟气脱硫技术研究

    Research on the Wet Lime-Gypsum FGD of Double-control and Single-cycle

  25. 石灰石-石膏法烟气湿法脱硫是目前应用较为广泛的一种技术。

    Limestone-gypsum wet flue gas desulphurization is a technology that is widely used .

  26. 脱硫装置的经济性和脱硫石膏改良盐碱地的探讨湿式石灰石-石膏法脱硫工艺的改进

    Study on the economic problem of introducing desulphurization process and provision production in the alkali soil Wet limestone-gypsum method : the improvement of desulfurization technics