
  • 网络Petroleum Exploration and Development
  1. 本文在介绍地理信息系统(GIS)基本原理的基础上,论述了它在石油勘探与开发中的应用。

    With an introduction of the basic principles of geographic information system ( GIS ), the paper discussed its application in petroleum exploration and development .

  2. 地理信息系统技术在石油勘探与开发过程中的应用

    Geographic information system : a new technique for petroleum exploration and development

  3. 油气运移动态富集概念及其在塔里木台盆区油气勘探中的应用[刊]/周东延,李洪辉‖石油勘探与开发。

    The concept of petroleum migration and dynamic accumulation is proposed .

  4. 井场信息化是现代石油勘探与开发的需要。

    Wellsite informationization is the needs of oil exploration and development .

  5. 《石油勘探与开发》的组稿与编辑运作

    Soliciting contributions and editing of the Petroleum Exploration & Development

  6. 冷溶烃分析技术在石油勘探与开发中的应用

    Application of cold dissolved hydrocarbon analysis technique in petroleum exploration and development

  7. 最后,探讨了层析成象技术在石油勘探与开发中的应用前景以及需要克服的困难。

    Finally , the possibility and difficulty for applying tomographic technique to petroleum exploration and production are explored .

  8. 地层压力是石油勘探与开发各项工作必须掌握的基础数据之一。

    The pore pressure is one of the basic data during the whole process of oil exploration and production .

  9. 利用测井资料评价油气层是石油勘探与开发的重要环节。

    To evaluate reservoir with the use of logging data is an important link for oil exploration and development .

  10. 石油勘探与开发的全过程都与地壳岩石的应力状态及其变化密切相关。

    The whole process of oil exploration and production has close relations with the state and changes of stress field .

  11. 针对海洋石油勘探与开发投资高、风险大的特点,简述了海上作业对海洋石油钻井完井机械及工具的特殊要求。

    The characteristics of offshore exploration and development are commented , and the specific requirements of offshore operation on drilling and completion equipment and tools are described .

  12. 这方面的阐述对推进我国石油勘探与开发过程中加快信息化建设步伐,充分实现井场信息共享并尽快与国际接轨具有促进作用。

    The exposition in this respect will quicken information construction steps during our national petroleum exploration and development , and fully realize wellsite information sharing and international approach as quick as possible .

  13. 在石油勘探与开发中,通过对井底瞬时压力的反演可以了解地层中油气储量、渗透性及井壁污染等参数。

    In the exploration and exploitation of petroleum , many parameters such as oil and gas reserves , permeability in the reservoir and wellbore damage , can be known through the inversion of instant pressure at bottom hole of the well .

  14. 射孔完井是国内外广泛使用的一种完井方式,射孔是石油勘探与开发工程中极其重要的一项技术,也是提高油气井采收率的重要手段之一。

    Perforation completion that is widely used at home and abroad is a method of well completion . Perforation is an most important technic in the course of oil prospecting , which is also a way to raise the recovery efficiency of well .

  15. 射孔、压裂是石油勘探与开发过程中的一项关键技术,射孔、压裂瞬间动态压力参数为评价射孔施工效果,深化射孔、压裂工艺机理研究,新的射孔、压裂产品研发等提供理论依据。

    Perforation and fracture is a key technology in the process of oil exploration and development , perforation and fracture instantaneous dynamic pressure parameters provide a theoretical basis for evaluating of perforating and fracturing effecting , deepen the mechanism of perforation and fracture process and new perforation product development .

  16. 构建井场综合信息平台是现代石油地质勘探与开发钻探的需要。

    Construction of wellsite composite information platform is the necessity for petroleum geologic exploration and development drilling .

  17. 随着石油领域勘探与开发程度的不断提高,油气资源勘探正面对越来越困难的条件,对于地震勘探而言,要求提供更多、更详细和更精确的信息。

    Oil exploration is facing more difficulty problems with the continuous improvement of the degree of the gas ( or oil ) exploration and development . More and more detailed , accurate information is need for the seismic exploration .

  18. 当代全球海洋油气资源的勘探与开发事业将逐步向深水发展,为应对这一全球化发展趋势,国家已经将深水石油的勘探与开发列入了国家中长期科技发展规划以及国家863高科技发展规划当中。

    The exploration and development of contemporary global offshore oil and gas resources will gradually keep forward to the deep water . In response to this globalization trend , it has been included in the development plan of national long-term technology .

  19. 钻井工程是石油天然气勘探与开发的重要环节,是一项高投入、高风险和高技术水平的特殊作业项目,也是一项容易发生复杂情况和井下事故的隐蔽性工程。

    Drilling project is a vital procedure in the process of oil and gas exploration and development . It is a special operation project with high investment , high risk and high technology . And it is also a concealed underground project that complications and accidences tend to occur frequently .

  20. 石油天然气的勘探与开发是一个涉及多学科的领域。

    Exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons involve multiple disciplines .

  21. 基督徒华商会现任会长曹松弟兄是美国谐和能源公司总裁,从事石油勘探生产与再生能源开发利用。

    Song is the current president of CCBA and the president Global Synergy Corporation , a company engaged in petroleum exploration and production , renewable energy development and utilization .

  22. 近年来,砂体展布规律是油层储藏研究的热点和重点,也是石油和天然气勘探与开发对储层研究提出的更高要求。

    In recent years , the rule of sandstones distribution is a hot topic in the oil reservior field , and is a higher request that the oil and gas development proposes to reservoir research .

  23. 石油化工行业跨越从石油勘探与开发、炼油加工、石油产品销售、化工产品加工到化工产品销售的全过程,具有典型的供应链式结构特点,有利于实施供应链管理。

    Covering a wide range of businesses from oil exploration , oil processing , oil product sales to petrochemical product manufacturing and sales , petrochemical industry has the typical supply chain structure that is suitable for supply chain management .

  24. 石油作为国家经济发展的重要能源基础,提高石油勘探与开发技术对我国经济有着很大的影响。

    Oil as an important energy base of national economic development , improve the exploration and development technology of petroleum in our country has great effects on the economy .