
  • 网络land use
  1. 基于GIS的北京市城郊农村土地利用格局分析

    Land Use Patterns Analysis Based on GIS in Suburban Area of Beijing City

  2. 基于RS和GIS的快速城市化地区土地利用格局演变研究&以浙江省义乌市为例

    Research of Urban Land Use Pattern Evolution by RS and GIS

  3. 基于RS的海陆交接带土地利用格局演变研究&以盐城大丰段为例

    Study on Land Use Pattern Changes in the Land-sea Connecting Belt Based on GIS

  4. 基于Logistic回归模型的土地利用格局模拟分析&以新疆吐鲁番市为例

    Simulation and Analysis of Land Use Patterns Based on Logistic Regression Model & A Case Study of Turpan

  5. 基于CA-Markov模型的土地利用格局变化研究

    Analysis and Simulation of Land-Use Temporal and Spatial Pattern Based on CA-Markov Model

  6. 论文以河池地区为例,采用CCA排序方法,研究了喀斯特地区土地利用格局变化与社会经济发展水平之间的相关关系。

    Taking Hechi prefecture as an example , this paper utilized the Canonical Correspondence Analysis ( CCA ) method to study the correlation between the change of land-use and the level of the socio-economic development in Karst areas .

  7. 利用义乌市1986、1991、1997、2002年的LANDSATTM遥感影像,在GIS技术下通过建立城市格局演变模型,定量分析义乌市人口、经济发展和城市土地利用格局演变的相关性。

    With Yiwu city 's remote sensing images ( Landsat TM ) in 1986,1991,1997 and 2002 , the urban pattern evolution model was established on base of RD and DIS technique to analyze quantitatively the correlation of the urban population and economical development to urban land use pattern evolution .

  8. 参与式小流域土地利用格局调控研究

    Regulating Land Use Pattern Toward Participatory Watershed Management in Mountainous Areas

  9. 基于栅格数据的土地利用格局解释模型及应用

    Robust Estimation of the Raster-Based Explanatory Model for Land Use Pattern

  10. 山东半岛典型流域土地利用格局分析

    Analysis of Land Use Pattern in Typical River Basins of Shandong Peninsula

  11. 唐山海岸带土地利用格局的情景模拟

    Scenarios Simulation of Land Use Pattern in Tangshan Coastal Zone

  12. 福建省土地利用格局及其影响因子

    Land Use Patterns and Factors Affecting them in Fujian Province

  13. 基于景观格局指数的大庆市土地利用格局变化分析

    The Analysis of Land-use Landscape Pattern Conversion in the City of Daqing

  14. 新疆布尔津县土地利用格局特征研究

    Land Use Patch of Characteristics of Burqin County of Xinjiang

  15. 西北地区的土地利用格局与生态环境保护

    Land Use Pattern and Eco-environmental Protection in Northwestern China

  16. 岩溶风景区土地利用格局与管理研究

    Research on Karst Scenic Area Land-use Pattern and Management

  17. 张家界国家森林公园土地利用格局变化

    Land use pattern changes from 1990 to 2000 in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

  18. 河谷土地利用格局与洪水干扰的关系

    Relationship between land-use patterns and flood disturbance in valley

  19. 安徽省土地利用格局演变及其预测研究

    Evolution and Prediction of Landuse Pattern in Anhui Province

  20. 景区土地利用格局及生态系统服务功能研究

    The Study on Landuse Pattern of the Scenic Spot Ecosystem and Its Services

  21. 沈阳市东部土地利用格局变化

    Changes of land use pattern in eastern Shenyang

  22. 研究结果很好的揭示了该区土地利用格局的分异规律和成因。

    Land-use pattern and its causes are clearly revealed and interpreted using this method .

  23. 长白山不同坡向土地利用格局变化研究

    Analysis on Change of Land Use Pattern in Different Slope Direction of Changbai Mountain

  24. 城市化过程对土地利用格局的影响

    Influence of Urbanization Process on Land Utilization

  25. 塔里木河下游土地利用格局的景观生态学评价

    Assessment of Land Utilization Pattern At the Lower Reaches of Tarim River by Landscape Ecology

  26. 结果表明,自然地理环境因素对土地利用格局起主要控制性作用;

    The result shows that physical geography is control factor of the land use change ;

  27. 广州市饮用水源保护地土地利用格局与水安全

    Relationship between Land Use Pattern and Water Security of Drinking Water Conservation Areas in Guangzhou

  28. 成都平原村园体系土地利用格局及优化研究

    Study of the Land Use Pattern and Optimization of the Village-house System of the Chengdu Plain

  29. 黄河中游多沙粗沙区土地利用格局变化分析

    Analysis of land use pattern change in coarse sandy region of middle reaches of Yellow River

  30. 中国生物能源政策情景对土地利用格局的影响

    Scenario Analysis on Land Use Patterns in China based on Bioenergy Development from 2010 to 2025