
  1. 浅议排污申报登记与环境监理的关系

    The Relationship of Discharging Reporting and Registering and Environmental Supervision

  2. 排污申报登记应走出污染源调查的误区

    Out of Mistaken Area of Polluting Source Investigation for Pollution Discharge Registration

  3. 浅谈小型餐饮服务业排污申报登记

    Preliminary Study on Discharge Reporting and Registering of Small Restaurant Service Business

  4. 第一,应以排污申报登记核定为基础,客观建立污染源动态数据库;

    Firstly , to build pollution source dynamic databases ;

  5. 数理统计在排污申报登记工作中的应用

    The Application of the Mathematical Statistics in the Pollution Discharge Declaration and Registration Work

  6. 通过对排污申报登记与污染源调查的差异分析,指出排污申报登记不同于污染源调查。

    The analysis between pollution discharge registration and polluting source investigation showed they are different .

  7. 计算机网络技术在排污申报登记工作中的应用探讨

    Discuss Application of Computer Network Technology in the Work of Report and Registration for Pollution Discharge

  8. 到1995年底,全国开展排污申报登记的城市有480个,企业7.7万家;

    By the end of 1995 , 480 cities and 77,000 enterprises had made pollution discharge declarations and registrations ;

  9. 经过1996年和2000年两次排污申报登记,收集了大理州127家排污单位的排污资料。

    According to the sewage records of 1996 and 2001 , pollutant data of 127 units of Dali Prefecture were collected .

  10. 排污申报登记是环境管理的基础性工作,需要现代信息技术提供有力的技术保证。

    Pollutants registration system is one of basic works in environmental management field and needs technological support of modern information technology .

  11. 第三产业排污申报登记是环境保护行政主管部门掌握污染源情况的一项重要法律手段。

    Discharge reporting and registering of the third industry was an important way for environmental administration to master the pollution source situation .

  12. 研究如何在污染物排放总量控制中通过排污申报登记获得真实的污染物排放量信息。

    This paper presents a method to get the actual information from the pollution load declaration system for total pollution load control .

  13. 排污申报登记信息系统(简称申报系统)的研制和推广,对江苏省环境管理和规划的现代化、环境信息系统建设的进程具有很大的推动作用;

    The study and popularizing of PWSB Management Information System drives the development of environmental management , planing and construction of information system .

  14. 本文通过对排污申报登记工作中存在问题的分析,提出更新观念、改进方法、提高效率等方面的具体措施。

    The paper analyses problems in report and register of discharge of pollution , and gives suggests to improve view and method and raise efficiency .

  15. 属于突发性的重大改变,必须在改变后的三天内提交新的《排污申报登记表》。

    New submissions must be made within three days of the occurrence of such major Changes in the event that they had not been foreseen or planned for .

  16. 简述了小型餐饮服务业的特点,指出排污申报登记制度落实难、废水中各污染物排放量核定难及申报登记表设计欠合理是小型餐饮服务业在排污申报登记中存在的主要问题。

    For discharge reporting and registering of small restaurant service business , it is difficulty to execute reporting and registering , to determine the total amount of pollutants , and registering forms are less reasonable .