
  1. 我们沿着曲折的石径,随着男孩女孩汇成的巨流一路走去。

    We moved along the sinuous gravel walks , with the great concourse of girls and boys .

  2. Marshall希望为男孩女孩们提供一个安全的庇护所,使他们有机会拥有更美好的未来。

    Mr. Marshall tries to give boys -- and girls -- a safe and a chance at a better future .

  3. 展出结束后,其中的大部分艺术品将进行拍卖,伯奇说,大部分的收益将用来资助罗宾汉基金会(RobinHoodFoundation)和麦迪逊广场男孩女孩俱乐部(MadisonSquareBoysandGirlsClub)等纽约青年慈善组织。

    After its run , much of the art will be auctioned off , with most of the proceeds , he says , going to New York-based youth charities like the Robin Hood Foundation and the Madison Square Boys and Girls Club .

  4. 该中心研究负责人沃伦•琼斯(WarrenJones)说,这个小组在继续探寻、理解男孩女孩在眼神交流方面的这些不同,而这又凸显出了我们在女孩自闭症病症上的无知。

    The group is continuing with its work to understand these differences in engagement with the eyes , which highlights just how little is known about how autism manifests in girls , said Warren Jones , research head at the center .

  5. 韩国摄影师“JeongMeeYoon”花了近五年的时间进行一项“粉色和蓝色调查”,拍摄了很多男孩女孩分别和他们喜好颜色的物品的合照。

    JeongMee Yoon , Korean photographer , has spent the last five years on the " Pink and Blue Project ": photographing boys and girls with their gender specific-coloured belongings .

  6. 这种作用对男孩女孩都一样。

    The effect was the same for both boys and girls .

  7. 这些男孩女孩们是这个秘密社会的受害者。

    These boys and girls represent a secret society of sufferers .

  8. 三里屯著名的酒吧「男孩女孩」。

    Boys and Girls , a famous bar in Sanlitun .

  9. 这件衣服男孩女孩都适合。

    The shirt is fit for boys and girls alike .

  10. 那个男人女人男孩女孩是谁?

    Who 's that man woman boy girl ?

  11. 那里有很多男孩女孩们。

    There are a hundred boys and girls .

  12. 下课了,男孩女孩们朝操场跑去。

    The class was over , the boys and girls raced to the sports ground .

  13. 男孩女孩返璞归真。

    Boys & Girls keep ti real .

  14. 我们可以给我们的男孩女孩们的第二个机会乃是有权失败。

    The second opportunity we can give our boys and girls is the right to failure .

  15. 男孩女孩们下午好。

    Good afternoon boys and girls .

  16. 许多时候男孩女孩都会用撒谎或怪罪别人来遮掩他们所犯的罪。

    Many times boys and girls try to cover their sin by lying or blaming someone else .

  17. 那时非常丑陋并且阻碍成千上万的男孩女孩成长的东西。

    That is something which is ugly and that hampers the growth of millions of young boys and girls .

  18. 来吧!男孩女孩们!让我们跳出我们的梦想吧!

    Come on ! Boys and Girls ! Let us dance ! Let us dance out of our dream .

  19. 两位分别接住花束和吊袜带的男孩女孩会面:接住新娘抛来的花束的女孩和接住新郎抛来的吊袜带的男孩会面。

    Two Catchers Meet : The catcher of the flowers and the catcher of the garter belt meet together .

  20. 无论男孩女孩都有很多运动机会,校队保持着优秀的记录。

    There is also a wide range of sporting opportunities for boys and girls , with school teams maintaining successful records .

  21. 在一家当地男孩女孩俱乐部,一些志愿者粉刷房屋而其他人在外面的院子里挖野草。

    At a local boys and girls club , some volunteers painted while others worked outside digging up weeds in the yard .

  22. 晓亮在三里屯著名的“男孩女孩”酒吧开始了他的驻唱生涯,在这里找寻着他的音乐梦想。

    Xiaoliang askan to be a singer from " Boys and Girls ", a famous bar in Sanlitun and seek his music dream there .

  23. 滑板裤是去年的流行,今年夏天仍是男孩女孩们最佳的裤装。

    Board shorts * a favorite of last year , board shorts are still the best pants for summer , both for boys and girls .

  24. 即使只是扮演,男孩女孩们会逐渐步入成年人的世界,担任不同的角色,承担不同的责任。

    This is true because boys and girls are being prepared , even in play , to step into the roles and responsibilities of the adult world .

  25. 但后来,当天色已晚,外面的喧嚣静下来的时候,突然一下子,所有这些男孩女孩都聚在一起哭了。

    But then when it turned late and the bustle outside quieted down , completely unexpectedly , all of these boys and girlsjust huddled together , crying .

  26. 体育运动大概是所有人都喜欢的最普遍的令人松弛的娱乐形式,不管男孩女孩,男女老少都喜欢体育运动。

    Sports are perhaps the most popular from of relaxation that almost all can enjoy , whether boys or girls , men or women , young or old .

  27. 要说区别,可能是现在会有更多孩子当圣露西亚男孩女孩吧,因为所有孩子都拥有这种衣服。

    A few differences are that at kindergartens there can be a lot of lead Lucias , since all the kids are allowed to have the Lucia dress .

  28. 第六次全国人口普查再一次证明,中国的出生率已经极其低了,男孩女孩的性别比在继续扩大。

    The sixth General Census has proved once again that the Chinese birth rate is extremely low , and that the ratio difference of boys to girls continues to widen .

  29. 在性别偏好的问题上,绝大多数高学历都市青年女性没有性别偏好,认为男孩女孩都一样。

    On the study of gender preference most highly-educated Chinese young urban women do not have sexual preference of children . In their opinions , boys and girls are equal .

  30. 男孩女孩们都开始大叫地震了,边喊边往外跑,就像学校平时教导我们的一样。

    Our classes were still mixed at that age , and all the boys and girls yelled , ' Earthquake ! " We ranoutside as we had been taught to do .