
  • 网络mixed class
  1. 而伊克塞尔希尔学院只有小学部才是男女合班。

    And Excelsior is only co-educational in the primary section . "

  2. 体育教育中的性别平等:走向男女合班上课?

    Gendering equality in physical education : Toward hybrid bodies ?

  3. 10月一个晴朗的日子,当时我还在读小学,忽然感觉我们的课桌椅开始剧烈地摇晃、晃动起来。因为年纪还小,我们都还是男女合班上课。

    ONE FINE OCTOBER day when I was still inprimary school our desks started to tremble and shake .

  4. 她声称,从教育的角度来看,男女合班有消极的作用。

    She claims that , from an educational point of view , mixed-sex classes at school have a negative effect .

  5. 体育教学中男女生合班授课对大学生学习兴趣的效应研究

    Comparison of the P.E.Learning Interest Between the Students Having Class in Boys and Girls Combined and Separated One