
ɡǔ pén qiānɡ
  • pelvic cavity;cavum pelvis
  1. [结果]在开放性骨盆骨折中随着耻骨联合分离距离加大,骨盆腔容量逐渐增大。

    [ Result ] The pelvic volume increased with the public diastasis increasing .

  2. 骨盆腔脂肪增多症的诊断主要是创建在图象学的检查上而非病理变化。

    The diagnosis of pelvic lipomatosis is established on radiographic examination , not on pathology .

  3. 第二例81岁男性由骨盆腔计算机断层摄影及膀胱摄影诊断。

    The second case involves and81-year-old male diagnosed by computed tomography of the pelvis and cystography .

  4. 今报告一骨盆腔骨折合并尿道球膜部断裂病例。

    Here we report a case who suffered from pelvic fracture and complete bulbomembranous urethral disruption .

  5. 我们报告一个骨盆腔脂肪增多症合并囊状膀胱炎及慢性膀胱化生的病例。

    We report a case of pelvic lipomatosis associated with cystitis cystica and chronic metaplasia of the urinary bladder .

  6. 囊状膀胱炎是一种罕见的膀胱增生性发炎性疾病,常与骨盆腔脂肪增多症合并发生。

    Cystitis cystica , often occurring concurrently with pelvic lipomatosis , is a rare proliferative inflammatory disease of the bladder .

  7. 目的是用来研究,对于遭受过不明撞击并且是卵圆孔未闭的患者来说,是否骨盆腔静脉是造成溶血栓栓赛物的原因。

    The objective is to determine , via MRV , whether the pelvic veins are the source of thrombolytic emboli in cryptogenic stroke patients who also harbor a patent foramen ovale .

  8. 方法对36例临床分期T1b~T3a前列腺癌患者行腹腔镜盆腔淋巴结活检术,患者全身骨扫描均未见骨转移,盆腔CT或MRI未发现转移灶。

    Methods Thirty-six patients with T_ 1b ~ T_ 3a prostate cancer had laparoscopic pelvic lymph node sampling . Both the bone scan and CT or MRI of all patients were negative .