
  1. 借着如同今晚的夜,我曾拥她入怀

    Because through nights like this one I held her in my arms

  2. 如同今晚的夜,我曾拥她入怀,

    Through nights like this one I held her in my arms .

  3. 如同今晚的夜,我曾拥她入怀,在无尽的天空下一遍又一遍地吻她。

    Through nights like this one I held her in my arms . I kissed her again and again under the endless sky .

  4. 今晚这个停电夜的祭司,是RabbiTribbiani。

    Ross : And officiating at tonight 's black out , is Rabbi Tribbiani .

  5. 你当真-是的今晚可是平安夜

    Seriously ? - Yeah . It 's Christmas Eve .

  6. 在今晚的《夜线》节目中,这位老兄坐下来接受约翰•奎诺的独家采访并袒露心声。

    He sat down with John Quinones from an exclusive interview on Nightline tonight .

  7. 今晚是平安夜,愿这个世界上所有平凡而善良的生灵能够获得安详。

    May all the ordinary and kind-hearted creatures in the world can enjoy a peaceful kind of life .

  8. 今晚是平安夜,我们一起出去.庆祝我们依然青春且充满活力

    It 's Christmas eve and we are going out there . We are gonna celebrate being young and being alive .

  9. 嘿,姑娘。我希望你有来点margarita的情绪因为今晚是Salsa之夜。

    Hey , girl . I hope you are in the mood for margaritas because it is Salsa Night at Konnell 's.

  10. 穿我的格子裙,今晚是苏格兰之夜。

    B : My tartan skirt . It 's scottish night .

  11. 那么今晚也是非常之夜,是吧?

    Rufus : So tonight 's the big night , huh ?

  12. 我们今晚是电影之夜

    We 're gonna have a family movie night tonight .

  13. 我想早点回家,今晚是比萨饼之夜。

    I wanna get home early , pizza night .

  14. 可惜今晚不是爱之夜了。

    Too bad it 's not sex night .

  15. 约翰:今晚是派对之夜!

    John : Tonight is a party night !

  16. 今晚是月圆之夜,这让我想起你。

    But it 's a full moon tonight , which makes me think of you .

  17. 今晚是派对之夜!你认为我们需要什么样的饮料?

    John : Tonigt is a party night ! What drinks do you think we need ?

  18. 今晚真是狂欢夜!

    What a riot tonight was !