
wǎn fēnɡ
  • evening breeze
  1. 晚风吹皱了池水。

    The evening breeze ruffled the pond

  2. 晚风吹来,十分清爽。

    The evening breeze is cooling and refreshing .

  3. 她的雪纺裙在晚风中飘动着。

    Her chiffon skirt was fluttering in the night breeze .

  4. 晚风吹来,身上冷丝丝的。

    The night wind was blowing , and I felt a bit chilly .

  5. 远方吹来了轻柔的晚风。

    Yet distant and soft the night breeze is blowing .

  6. 水仙花开得正盛,在晚风中徐徐摆动。

    The daffodils were in bloom , stirring in the evening breeze .

  7. 醒来时晚风吹拂,满天星斗闪闪发亮。

    The winds are breathing low And the stars are burning bright .

  8. 窗前的晚风如此清爽!

    Come to the window , sweet is the night-air !

  9. 这时,只留下柔和的晚风和无尽的大海。

    Then there was only the soft night wind and the timeless sea .

  10. 柔和的晚风带来了将军吸烟发出的阵阵香味。

    The night breeze brought him the perfume of the general 's cigarette .

  11. 晚风在天空中回旋歌唱。

    The night wind revolves in the sky and sings

  12. 这清凉的晚风正是我们所需要的。

    This cool night air is just the thing .

  13. 是晚风,抚面,温柔。

    Night wind , comfort surface is gentle .

  14. 那晚风大,月也黑。

    It was a windy and moonless night .

  15. 奈德走到窗边,打开沉重的扣锁,让清凉的晚风吹进室内。

    Ned went to the window and unfastened the heavy shutters to let in the cool night air .

  16. 晚风中,潮水声中在浮脚长楼享用一顿海鲜大餐。

    Having a seafood dinner on deck along beach , enjoying a windy and peaceful night at Balai .

  17. 夕阳西下,晚风徐来,那样凉爽,那样清新(如果不总是那样芬芳)。

    As the sun went down , the breeze was cool and refreshing ( if not always fragrant ) .

  18. 那里常常会有温柔的晚风,轻轻拂过草地,白桦树芬芳馥郁,树荫遮蔽我和我的玛丽。

    There oft , as mild Ev'ning weeps over the lea , The sweet-scented birk shades my Mary and me .

  19. 报纸摊在他膝盖上,在晚风中,靠他一条胳臂压着才没被吹走。

    The newspaper lay across his knees and the weight of his arm held it there in the evening breeze .

  20. 晚风起了,这说明已到了早晨一两点钟左右。

    The night wind had risen , which indicated that it must be between one and two o'clock in the morning .

  21. 它唤醒了我的记忆,像一阵晚风吹破一朵欲睡的花。

    It awakened my memories like an evening breeze blowing open the petals of a flower that is craving for sleep .

  22. 往往道理很简单,他们不想等大的责任,因为明知自晚风。

    Often the reason is simple , such as they do not want the big responsibility that comes along with knowing self .

  23. 当万物沉寂,你是否悄然独醒,而晚风以颂歌作答直到夜晚逝去?

    When all things repose do you alone awake ; And the night wind answering in antiphon till night is over gone ?

  24. 在晚风中,她爱养的孔雀在架上昏睡,鸽子在自己的角落里沉默着。

    In the evening breeze her pet peacock sat drowsing on its perch , and the pigeons were silent in their corner .

  25. 在我心目中,我还能回想起旧时的大舢板船在晚风中驶进港口的情景。

    In my mind 's eye , I can see the old sailing junks coming into the harbor on a windy evening .

  26. 从商店橱窗的影像里,我看到了自己——一位老者,晚风习习吹拂着他的白发。

    From a store window my reflection stared back at me , an aging man with gray hair stirred by an evening breeze .

  27. 在晚上,打开窗户或者用风扇让空气保持对流,让凉快的晚风能够穿过房子。

    In the evening , open windows and use fans to create a cross-breeze , circulating cooler evening / night air through the rooms .

  28. 他摇下车窗,晚风拍打着他的头发,女贞路的屋顶在下面渐渐缩小,

    He rolled down the window , the night air whipping his hair , and looked back at the shrinking rooftops of Privet Drive .

  29. 她们一起站在门外等着,微微喘着粗气,嗅着被晚风吹过来的那条污水河的气味。

    Together they stood waiting , panting slightly , breathing in the smell of the dirty river that was carried to them on the night breeze .

  30. 原隔间,有些树枝已被炮弹折断,却不曾落地,仍旧连皮挂在树上,在晚风中微微动荡。

    In the fields , branches of trees broken by grape-shot , but not fallen , upheld by their bark , swayed gently in the breeze of night .