
  • Elvis Presley;The Hillbilly Cat
  1. 根据tom的说法,猫王是有史以来最好的歌手。

    According to tom , Elvis Presley was the best singer ever .

  2. 所以猫王的Bacon数为二。

    So , Elvis Presley has a Bacon number of two .

  3. 咖啡店的广播中播放着猫王的歌。

    Elvis comes on the coffee shop PA system .

  4. 我希望大家记住现场演唱会上的猫王。

    I want people to remember Elvis in concert .

  5. 在人生的最后阶段,猫王普雷斯利的歌曲大不如前,通常近乎于自我嘲弄。

    By the end of his life , Presley 's vocals often descended close to self-parody .

  6. 这是猫王歌曲《猎犬》Hounddog的歌词我的那只老灰狗死了。

    My old hound dog just died .

  7. 披头士狂热主要建立在猫王与查克·贝里(ChuckBerry)的回声之上。

    Beatlemania was built mostly on echoes of Elvis and Chuck Berry .

  8. 像猫王这样的歌手以及像哈利(BillHaley)的RockAroundtheClock这样的歌,使摇滚音乐普遍地受到欢迎。

    Performers like Elvis Presley and songs like Bill Haley ´ s " Rock Around the Clock " made rock music widely popular .

  9. 德弗莱斯是个叼着雪茄、像汤姆·派克(TomParker,荷兰裔美国经纪人,曾是“猫王”的经纪人——译注)一样的娱乐圈老滑头。他坚信公众宣传是获得成功的必要条件。

    Mr. DeFries , a cigar-chomping , Col. Tom Parker-like showbiz slickster , believed in success by way of publicity-generating spectacle .

  10. 马丁公司制作知名乐器的历史已超过100年,其客户包括披头士(theBeatles)、约翰尼•卡什(JohnnyCash)、埃里克•克莱普顿(EricClapton)以及猫王埃尔维斯•普莱斯利(ElvisPresley)。

    Its customers have included the Beatles , Johnny Cash , Eric Clapton and Elvis Presley .

  11. 小泉在任首相期间访问美国田纳西州的格雷斯兰时与时任美国总统乔治?W?布什合唱猫王的热门歌曲,显示了其善于利用媒体的一面。

    While in office , Koizumi displayed his media savvy by singing Elvis hits during a visit to Graceland , Tennessee , with then US president George W.Bush .

  12. 这些名人包括玛丽莲·梦露(MarilynMonroe)、史蒂夫·乔布斯(SteveJobs)、李小龙、约翰·列侬(JohnLennon)、列宁(VladimirLenin),以及专门列出的猫王(Elvis)、麦当娜(Madonna)。

    Among them are Marilyn Monroe , Steve Jobs , Bruce Lee , John Lennon , Vladimir Lenin and the singularly named trinity of Elvis , Madonna .

  13. 最好卖的是猫王的,可是MJ的也卖的很好。是一个很有分量的香水而且不含酒精。

    The biggest seller is Elvis , but MJ is selling very well too . It 's a powerful fragrance and there is no alcohol in it .

  14. 藏在表演之后的是一个听不得猫王Elvis依然胜过他,或麦当娜得了一项他没得到的格莱美奖的男人。

    Behind it was a man who could not bear to hear that Elvis still surpassed him , or that Madonna had won a Grammy when he hadn 't.

  15. 自由城,大量前来寻求救助的NCR游民和当地的统治帮派“猫王帮”关系紧张,并且局势还在恶化中。

    Tensions are brewing in Freeside between the ruling gang known as the Kings and the large number of NCR squatters seeking refuge there .

  16. 李香凝还向“猫王”艾尔维斯·普莱斯利(ElvisPresley)及史蒂夫·麦奎因(SteveMcQueen)等其他名人的后人咨询,以进一步了解如何成功重振一位已故偶像的形像。

    Lee also consulted with the estates of other famous people , including Elvis Presley and Steve McQueen , to learn more about how to successfully revive a deceased icon 's image .

  17. 披头士有《便士胡同》,摇滚之王猫王住在《孤独街》的尽头,现在爱尔兰摇滚乐团U2也有了他们自己的街,虽然只有一周。

    The Beatles had Penny Lane , King of Rock'n'Roll Elvis lived on the end of Lonely Street , now Irish rock band U2 have a street to call their own , albeit for a week .

  18. 一个最电影的首映式今年备受期待猫王主演的布莱克和Anabelle充满活力的和最高明格拉。

    One of the top film premieres this year was the highly anticipated Elvis and Anabelle starring Blake Lively and Max Minghella .

  19. 像大多数伟大的音乐运动(比如,猫王在埃德•苏利文秀场,帕蒂•史密斯在CBGB摇滚俱乐部的演出)的诞生历程一样,Napster反抗惯例,大声扬言要颠覆既定规范。

    Like the birth of most great music movements Elvis on Ed Sullivan , Patti Smith at CBGB Napster was rebellious of convention , threatening to established norms , and , well , really loud .

  20. 男人们都打扮成猫王。

    All the guys are gonna be dressed as Elvis presley .

  21. 我饰演过哈姆雷特,也曾与“猫王”搭讪。

    I have played Hamlet and I have spoken with Elvis .

  22. 大多数父母不喜欢猫王和他的音乐。

    But teenagers loved him and stared to dress like him .

  23. 把猫王和甲壳虫请来我就看。

    Get me Elvis and the Beatles and I 'll watch .

  24. 从披头四,猫王,到金属制品合唱团都是摇滚乐。

    Rock is everything from the Beatles to Elvis to Metallica .

  25. 你的手下“野李子”和“猫王”拿错了人。

    Your boys Elvis and sloe picked up the wrong guy .

  26. 但是如果你不放弃猫王。

    But if you don 't give up on elvis .

  27. 各位,我是猫王威考。

    Ladies and gentlemen , I 'm cliff " elvis " wolcott .

  28. 其实她跟猫王一起上飞碟了。

    Elvis was her date , and they escaped in a ufo .

  29. 猫王对美国流行音乐有很大影响。

    Elvis had a big influence on American pop music .

  30. 我做完了之后会看着像猫王的。

    Once I 'm finished , it 'll look like Elvis presley .