
  • 网络cat litter;Litter box;kitty litter
  1. 您应该避免未来接触到猫砂,或动物的粪便。

    You should avoid coming into contact with cat litter , or animal faeces .

  2. 猫厕机器人(Litter-Robot)在我家孩子们的家务清单上,换猫砂是最无趣的一件事。

    Litter-Robot Changing cat litter is the most dreaded entry on my children 's list of chores .

  3. 加拿大的地主们在其拥有的土地上发现了很多猫砂的材料矿产资源。

    Landowners in Canada have found their property strip mined for cat litter .

  4. 有了这个公式,即使是猫需要至少两个猫砂盒。

    With this formula , even one cat requires at least two cat litter boxes .

  5. 把你的猫咪放在一个小而安静的地方,里面放好食物和猫砂盆。

    Place your kitten in a small , quiet place with food and a litter box .

  6. 最后,你需要一个地方让它们使用猫砂盒。

    Eventually , you will want to come up with a litter location for them to use .

  7. 如果你养了一只猫,那么你一定用了很多猫砂。

    If you have an indoor cat , you probably go through a lot of cat litter .

  8. 我的表演臭到家了,臭过在猫砂盆里唱。

    I couldn 't have stunk up the place worse if I 'd performed in a litter box .

  9. 当你把小猫带回家的时候,把它放到猫砂盒里。

    Take your kitten to the litter pan when they are brought home and place them in it .

  10. 养一只小猫,你需要首先考虑的是进行猫砂训练。

    One of the first things you need to consider in owning a new kitten is their litter training .

  11. 为什么这是一个错误:没有猫砂盆的猫就会拉在地毯上;

    Why This Is a Mistake : A cat without a proper litter box will just use the carpet .

  12. 举个典型的例子,向开始买猫砂的人推销宠物保险是值得一试的;

    To give an obvious example , it would be worth offering pet insurance to someone who has started buying kitty-litter .

  13. 几十年来,至少有75%不同品牌的猫砂都由膨润土所制。

    For decades , at least 75 percent of the different brands of cat litter available were made from bentonite clay .

  14. 如果人们能够小心地处理猫砂盆,并彻底清洗、煮熟他们自己的食物,就应该不会染上弓形虫。

    People shouldn 't get infected if they are careful with litter boxes and wash and thoroughly cook their own food .

  15. 1989年,加拿大的矿产法案修订就包含了对硅藻土(猫砂的关键制作原料之一)的开采。

    In 1989 , Canada 's Mineral Tenure Act was amended to include one of the key ingredients in cat litter - diatomaceous earth .

  16. 你要用它们每天使用的猫砂&以粘土为主要成分的猫砂很受欢迎,并且易于清理。

    You should use regular litter that they will see on a day to day basis-clay based is very popular and easy to scoop .

  17. 试想一下,目前仅美国每年就要使用200万吨的猫砂,那么生产猫砂的工厂每年会需要多少粘土?

    Considering America alone uses about 2 million tons of cat litter every year , that 's a lot of clay the industry needs .

  18. 如果你养了只猫,或者正在照顾一只猫,那么怀孕期间你要请别人来帮你收拾猫砂或倒猫砂。

    If you have a cat or are caring for one , ask someone to clean or empty the litter box while you 're pregnant .

  19. 当它们开始到处便便的时候,只要把它们弄到猫砂盒里,抓着它们的爪子重复挖砂子就可以了。

    When they begin to go to the bathroom elsewhere , just move them to the litter pan and repeat the scratching motion with their paw .

  20. 你能否负担养猫的基本开支(括食物,猫砂,适当的防疫注射及医疗保健)?

    Are you able to afford the basic expenses of keeping a cat ( which include cat food , cat litter , proper vaccination and medical care )?

  21. 庆幸的是,训练猫用猫砂要比训练一只狗不在家里四处乱闯容易得多。所以这件事并不会花掉你太多时间。

    Thankfully , litter training a cat is much easier than house breaking a dog , so this isn 't something that will take a long time to accomplish .

  22. Bepple家族便是这样的受害者之一,他们本来是找到了一块土地用于放牧和种植树木,但是却突然被别人开采做猫砂了。

    The Bepple family was one such victim , finding a plot of land they once used for grazing livestock and farming trees suddenly being strip mined for cat litter .

  23. 猫砂是一个很棒的发明,其起源可以追溯到1947年,当时一位密歇根州妇女向爱德华·劳询问是否知道某种沙子或者灰可以用来清洁猫的粪便。

    It 's a pretty new invention , only around since 1947 when a Michigan woman asked Edward Lowe if he knew of an alternative to the sand or ash that she had been using .

  24. 想想看,那些清洁地板、擦洗烧烤架、修剪草坪、给植物浇水、换猫砂和吸地毯的家务活儿——更妙的是,还能哄哄小婴儿,逗逗大孩子。

    Think washing floors , scrubbing the grill , cutting the lawn , watering plants , changing cat litter , vacuuming the carpet - and , for good measure , pacifying the baby and entertaining the older children .

  25. 想想看,那些清洁地板、擦洗烧烤架、修剪草坪、给植物浇水、换猫砂和吸地毯的家务活儿&更妙的是,还能哄哄小婴儿,逗逗大孩子。

    Think washing floors , scrubbing the grill , cutting the lawn , watering plants , changing cat litter , vacuuming the carpet & and , for good measure , pacifying the baby and entertaining the older children .

  26. 我们在墙角放了一个猫砂盆,周围是一圈平台,那就是她的小圈,我们只需要弄一个饲料槽,她长大以后就该踢翻水碗了。

    We set up a cat litter box in the corner with a platform around it . That 's her pen . We just need to get a trough of some sort , for when she gets big enough to tip over her water bowl .