
  • 网络in the cloud;Up In The Air;Up The Air
  1. 安娜·肯德里克今年凭《在云端》的表现拿到了最佳新人奖,她的水彩风印花裙很好地衬托出了身材,还有这两年大热的系带凉鞋。

    The winner for best breakthrough performance ( for Up in the Air ) shows off her stems in a floral watercolor wrap dress and strappy sandals .

  2. 乔治·克鲁尼主演电影《在云端》还帮他赢得了奥斯卡提名和1亿6千3百万票房,每年收入约为1千9百万美元。

    Movies like Up in the Air which earned him an Oscar nominations and around $ 163 million was brought and he has the annual income of $ 19 million .

  3. 在云端审计方面的一个关键挑战是要克服SaaS应用的用户访问缺乏可见性的问题。

    A key challenge in auditing in the cloud is overcoming the lack of visibility into user access of SaaS apps .

  4. 在云端,AmazonSQS服务提供应用程序之间的队列服务,即使它们没有连接网络。

    On the cloud side , the Amazon SQS service provides a queuing service between applications , even when they are on unconnected networks .

  5. 由于HDFS不适合存储小文件,本系统采用将小文件合并的方式在云端存储文件。

    Since HDFS is not suitable for storing small files , the system uses the combined means of small files in the cloud storage file .

  6. 通过对用户层、应用层和数据层实现方法的分析,研究提出了基于三角划分河道动态分段方法和渲染技术,实现了水质污染扩散过程在云端GIS环境下的动画模拟和动态渲染。

    By analyzing the specific realization method of presentation layer , application layer and data layer , a channel dynamic segmentation method and rendering technology based on triangulation was proposed , realizing water pollution diffusion process in the clouds GIS environment of animation simulation and dynamic rendering .

  7. 本系统将文件分解成数据块,分布式地存储在云端的各个数据节点上,采用HDFS实现了基于数据块的并发控制,满足用户读写并行的需求。

    The system will file into data blocks , distributed to each of the data stored in the cloud on the node , implemented using HDFS block-based concurrency control , to meet the needs of the user to read and write in parallel .

  8. 谷歌之前已经开始与多家硬件商联合生产Chromebook,现在,它开始认真测试技术用户是否完全能在云端实现数字生活这个想法。

    With its line of Chromebooks made by various hardware partners , Google ( GOOG ) began testing in earnest the idea that tech users could live their digital lives almost entirely in the cloud .

  9. 我很高兴,像在云端飘荡。

    I 'm cheerful , actually . I weigh almost nothing .

  10. 喜马拉雅山的山顶显现在云端之上。

    The pinnacles of the Himalayas were visible above the clouds .

  11. 我相信我能够飞,所以我在云端漫步!

    I believe I can fly so I walk in the sky !

  12. 哪种应用适合运行在云端?

    Which applications are best suited to run on cloud ?

  13. 我们不会躺在云端,头顶着光圈弹竖琴!

    We won 't lie around on clouds with halos playing harps !

  14. 她正漂浮在云端。

    she 's floating on a cloud of infinite possibility .

  15. 你肯定随时都感觉如在云端。

    You must feel like you 're walking underwater .

  16. 而生在云端的我,双脚一如既往,从未踏回世间。

    My feet have never returned to the ground .

  17. ,表示计算和数据处理通常在云端执行。

    Meaning that computation and data handling are usually performed in the cloud .

  18. 太阳的余辉已经渐次消失在云端里。

    The last ray of the sun had already faded from the cloud-edges .

  19. 但是和她交合,我感觉像是飞翔在云端。

    But with her , I felt like I was flying through the clouds .

  20. 高耸入云的山峰峭立在云端。

    The peaks rise steeply into the clouds .

  21. 如跌落蓝天上朵朵柔软的洁白中,我醉了,在云端。

    If falling sky were soft white , I drunk , in the clouds .

  22. 我知道我将在云端的某处,和我的命运相逢。

    I know that I shall meet my fate , somewhere among the clouds above .

  23. 不过没多少人认为所有的计算都能在云端完成。

    But not many people believe they can do all their computing in the cloud .

  24. 亦或高飞在云端之上。

    Maybe flying high in the clouds .

  25. 丽莎:的确是。我一整天都飘飘然,就像置身在云端上。

    Lisa : it sure is . I 've been on cloud nine all day long .

  26. 我的哥哥呢,我要送他一对有翼的马,会在云端飞翔的。

    My brother shall have a pair of horses with wings to fly among the clouds .

  27. 漫步在云端/真爱的风采

    A Walk In The Clouds

  28. 一些数据库也大量采用开源技术,这些数据库旨在支撑在云端运行的应用。

    Open source is also proliferating in databases designed to support applications that run in the cloud .

  29. 是的,但幸运的是所有照片都在云端备份了。

    Yeah , it did , but luckily all my photos got backed up to the Cloud .

  30. 未来计算在云端&浅谈云计算和移动学习

    The Future of Computing in the " Cloud " & Talking about the Cloud Computing and Mobile Learning