
  • 网络In Flanders Fields
  1. 但他却在佛兰德斯战场倒下了。

    But he fell on Flanders field .

  2. 在佛兰德斯战场。

    In the Flanders fields .

  3. 他倒在了佛兰德斯战场上。

    He fell on Flanders field .

  4. 这种纸花使人追忆起在佛兰德斯的战场上盛开的花朵。在火车站、商场、办公楼,成千的志愿者都在卖纸花。

    the paper blooms -- reminiscent of those that grew over the battlefields of Flanders -- are sold by thousands of volunteers , at train stations , in shops , and in offices .

  5. 这个传统起源于第一次世界大战;这种纸花使人追忆起在佛兰德斯的战场上盛开的花朵。在火车站、商场、办公楼,成千的志愿者都在卖纸花。

    The tradition dates back to World War I ; the paper blooms reminiscent of those that grew over the battlefields of Flanders are sold by thousands of volunteers , at train stations , in shops , and in offices .

  6. 在第一次世界大战的最后一年,英国骑兵军官萨摩福特少校在佛兰德斯的战场作战时,一个闪电把他劈落马下,致使其腰部以下瘫痪。

    British cavalry officer Major Summerford was fighting in the fields of Flanders in the last year of WW1 , a flash of lightning knocked him off his horse and paralysed him from his waist down .