
  • 网络simplex optimization method;Simplex method;modified simplex method
  1. 单纯形优化法求解药物动力学参数

    Modified simplex method in calculating the parameter of pharmacokinetics

  2. 利用分光光度计分别测量光学薄膜样品以及基底透射率曲线,采用柯西(Cauchy)色散模型以及非线性单纯形优化法对透射率测量曲线进行拟合,从而确定薄膜的光学常数和厚度。

    Transmission curves of optical film samples and substrates are measured by spectrophotometer . Cauchy dispersion model and the nonlinear simplex optimization method are used to fit the measured transmission curves , so as to determine thin film optical constants and thickness .

  3. 单纯形优化法研究V(V)-NH2OH-PAR三元配合物组成比

    Simplex Optimization Method for the Composition Determination of V ( V ) - NH_2OH-PAR Ternary Complex

  4. 提出了计算多元络合系统各组分浓度的数学模型和利用单纯形优化法求解的PC-1500机计算机程序。

    A mathematical model for calculating component concentrations of complex system and a computer programm solving with simplex optimization , which performed on PC-1500 calculator , are given and expounded .

  5. 修正的单纯形优化法在平衡移动法中的应用

    Application of modified simplex optimization to bent 's limited logarithm method

  6. 单纯形优化法在渗硼剂研究中的应用

    The Application of Simplex Optimization in the Study of Boronizing Agents

  7. 用改进单纯形优化法测定大米中的镉

    The Determination of Cadmium in Rice by Modified Simplex Optimization

  8. 单纯形优化法在高速卷烟胶研制中的应用

    Application of simplex optimization method in preparation of high speed cigarette adhesive

  9. 单纯形优化法在马氏体相结构计算中的应用

    The Application of the Simplex Optimization Method in the Calculation of Martensitic structure

  10. 用改进单纯形优化法设计油田阻垢剂组成

    Designing scale inhibitor by modified simplex optimization method

  11. 本文介绍了单纯形优化法在岩矿分析中的实际应用。

    The application of simplex optimization method for rock and mineral analysis is introduced .

  12. 改进的单纯形优化法用于混合稀土的同时测定

    Application of Modified Simplex Optimization for the Simultaneous Determination of Mixed Rare Earth Elements

  13. 本文以苋菜红、胭脂红组成的两组份混合体系为研究对象,应用改进单纯形优化法对混合色素进行同时测定的研究。

    This paper studies the simultaneous determination of mixture pigment by improved simplex optimization method .

  14. 本文系统介绍了单纯形优化法,这是一种新的非线性优化法,现已得到广泛应用。

    A new nonlinear optimization technique named Simplex has been described , which applies extensively to analysis .

  15. 生命的原始形式,如单细胞有机体用改进单纯形优化法测定大米中的镉

    Simple forms of life , like one-cell organisms The Determination of Cadmium in Rice by Modified Simplex Optimization

  16. 利用原子吸收分光光度法(火焰法),根据改进单纯形优化法建立了大米中微量元素镉的测定方法。

    On the basis of modified simplex optimization , a method to determine cadmium in rice by AAS is proposed .

  17. 用离子浮选分光光度法测定水中硫离子的研究&计算机单纯形优化法的应用

    Study on the Ion Flotation Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Amount Sulfide Ion in Water & Application of Computer Simplex Optimization

  18. 三元相图及坐标变换的单纯形优化法测定铜(Ⅱ)-邻菲啰啉-铬天菁S三元络合物组成

    Determination of Composition of Ternary Complex Copper (ⅱ) o-Phenanthroline-Chrome Azurol S by Simplex Optimization of Ternary Phase Diagram and Coordinate Alternative

  19. 本文应用改进的单纯形优化法较好地弥补了目前在分析化学计量学中得到广泛应用的卡尔曼滤波法所存在的不足。

    The modified simplex optimization is used to remedy the drawbacks of Kalman filter method which is widely applied in analytical chemometrics .

  20. 介绍了一种最优化方法&单纯形优化法,并以其在高速卷烟胶研制中的应用为例,对该法的使用和寻优过程进行了探讨。

    An efficiency optimal method - simplex and its application in preparation of high speed cigarette adhesive are introduced in this paper .

  21. 电解预浓缩-电热原子吸收测定地质样品中痕量金&单纯形优化法选择工作条件电沉积分离富集钨丝电热原子吸收测定微量钯

    TRACE GOLD ANALYSIS OF GEOCHEMICAL SAMPLES BY ELECTROTHERMAL ABSORPTION SPECTROMETRY Determination of Trace Palladium by Tungsten Filament Electrothermal Atomization Atomic Absorptiometry after Electrodeposition-Preconcentration

  22. 用正交试验法与单纯形优化法相结合,确定了废弃盐泥制备NO3-吸附剂的优良配方及合适的工艺。

    The proper process and excellent formulation of preparing ( NO_3 ) ~ - adsorbent are determined by orthogonal experiment method and simples method .

  23. 结果表明,改进单纯形优化法实验次数少,灵敏度提高,线性关系好。

    The result indicated that this method had advantages as the following : less times of experiments , higher sensitive and good linear relationship .

  24. 使用单纯形优化法对文献中四十余组二元和三元液-液平衡数据进行关联。

    Over forty sets of Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium ( LLE ) data of binary and ternary systems in literatures have been correlated using simplex optimization method .

  25. 利用单纯形优化法选择了各种试剂的最佳用量以及采样体积、反应管长的最佳实验条件。

    The amount of used reagents and the experimental conditions for sampling volume and coil length were optimized by using the controlled and weighed centroid simplex method .

  26. 本文介绍一种新的地下水位观测网优化设计方法&孔位离散游移式单纯形优化设计法。

    This paper introduces a new method of optimal design of groundwater level observation network the method of designing the optimal location of observation wells by means of discrete movement of well location and simplex technique .

  27. 关联时以摩尔分数偏差平方和最小为目标函数,用单纯形和拟牛顿优化法及混合吉布斯自由能最小的热力学平衡准则,确定了相应的模型参数。

    The model parameters were estimated using the simplex optimization method and the quasi-Newton method with an objective function of mass fraction deviation square and the rule of minimum Gibbs free energy in a closed thermodynamic equilibrium system .