
  1. 基于DSP的音视频编解码技术的研究

    Research on Audio-Video Coding / Decoding Technology Based on DSP

  2. AVS(AudioVideoCodingStandard)标准是我国自主制定的数字音视频编解码技术国家标准。

    AVS ( Audio Video Coding Standard ) is the standard of video and audio designed by our country .

  3. MPEG-4的可伸缩视频编解码技术研究

    Study on Scalable Video Coding Techniques in MPEG-4

  4. 基于MPEG-4的视频编解码技术已经成为当前多媒体技术发展的热点。

    The technology based on the MPEG-4 has been the hotspot of the Multi-media development by now .

  5. 视频编解码技术在IPTV、数字电视、可视电话和数字视频会议等多媒体信号处理领域起着至关重要的作用。

    Nowadays , Video codec technology plays a vital role in the fields of IPTV , Digital TV , video telephony and digital video conferencing and other multimedia signal processing .

  6. AVS标准是数字音视频编解码技术标准工作组(AVS工作组)制定的数字音视频编码标准。

    AVS is digital audio / video coding standard which is established by the Audio Video Coding Stand Working Group of China ( AVS working group in short ) .

  7. 随着视频编解码技术的发展,压缩标准在很多领域都得到了成功应用,如:VCD、视频会议、DVD等等。

    With the video codec technology , compression standards in many areas have been successfully applied , such as : VCD , video conferencing , DVD and so on .

  8. 同时参加中国数字音视频编解码技术标准化工作组(简称AVS工作组)的工作,积极参与技术提案的提交和标准的制定。

    Simultaneity , we play a positive role to push video and audio standardization as a member of Digital Audio and Video Coding Standard workgroup of China ( AVS ) .

  9. 多媒体通信的发展迫切需要面向对象的视频编解码技术,其关键是视频对象(VO)的提取和视频对象平面(VOP)的分割。

    Object-oriented video coding is important for the development of multimedia communication , in which extraction of video objects and segmentation of video object planes are key techniques .

  10. 主要的音视频编解码技术标准有MPEG系列和H.26X系列,并进行了分析,确定了码流自适应的方案。

    At present , there are two mainly video coding standards : MPEG series and H.26X series . After analyzed them , the adaptive video stream plan is determined .

  11. 关于音视频编解码技术,本文首先考察了MPEG-4的体系结构,然后考察了MPEG-4中适合传输的分层结构,最后分析了适合传输的MPEG-4音频和视频载荷格式。

    As for audio-visual codec , this paper first studies the architecture of MPEG-4 , and then turns my focus on hierarchical structure , which is designed for transmission , finally analyzes the MPEG-4 payload format of audio and video .

  12. 为增强我国在信源编码标准领域的核心竞争力和自主开发能力,国家信产部批准成立数字音视频编解码技术标准工作组(简称AVS工作组),致力于建立中国自主产权的AVS标准。

    In order to strengthen core competency and independent development ability in national source coding standard area , Chinese government approved and founded digital audio video coding standard workgroup of China ( AVS ), main task of which is researching and formalizing AVS standard with own copyright .

  13. 数字音视频编解码技术是数字音视频产业的共性基础。

    Audio and video coding technology is the base of audio and video industry .

  14. 可分级视频编解码技术的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Scalable Video Coding Technology

  15. 分布式视频编解码技术的研究进展

    Advances in Distributed Video Coding

  16. 随着信息和网络技术的发展,视频编解码技术也在不断的进步和发展。

    With the development of information and network technology , video codec technology has made progress and developed well .

  17. 本文首先对视频编解码技术的现状与发展趋势加以介绍,在此基础之上着重讲述了H。

    In this thesis the actuality and the development of the video code and decode technology is introduced firstly .

  18. 随着嵌入式技术和视频编解码技术的高速发展,机顶盒的应用越来越多。

    As the fast development of the technology of embeded and the video coding , the application of STB is more and more varied .

  19. 随着多媒体信息需求的增长,在低速信道上实现实时动态视频编解码技术是目前视频处理领域的一个研究热点,嵌入式视频编解码技术有着越来越广泛的应用前景。

    With the increasing demand on Multimedia information , It is a hot research area where implement real-time and live video coding on low speed transmission channel .

  20. 过去十年中,视频编解码技术取得空前的发展,国内外科研技术人员的不懈努力催生了大量的信源音视频编解码标准。

    In the past ten years , many researchers around the world have engaged in improving the video compression technology and have developed many audio video codec standards .

  21. 网络电视的几个关键技术:视频编解码技术、宽带技术、流媒体技术和编解码芯片在近几年迅速发展,大大刺激了网络电视的发展。

    Serval key technologies about IPTV , such as video codec , wideband network , stream media and chips supporting codec have developed rapidly in recent serval years .

  22. 在多媒体系统中,视频编解码技术占有重要的位置,是构建多媒体应用的核心模块之一。

    Video compression is the key technology of multimedia data processing , and video codec is one of the most important core modules for a multimedia application system .

  23. 随着视频编解码技术的不断发展,新标准不断涌现并大幅度提高了编码效率,同时也带来了运算复杂度的提升。统计学显示差异有高度显著性。

    With the development of video coding / decoding technology , new standards are established , producing significant compression performance . But they also greatly increased the computational complexity .

  24. 近几年来,随着计算机通信技术以及视频编解码技术的飞速发展,人们对于视频场景自然和真实再现的需求已经逐渐成为可能。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of computer science and video codec technology , the demand of natural reproduction of video scenes for human becomes possible .

  25. 它针对各种应用设计了不同的档次,包含了各种先进的视频编解码技术,设计者可以根据应用需要选择标准中合适的技术。

    MPEG-4 is designed for a variety of applications of different grades , including a variety of advanced video codec technologies . Designer can choose appropriate technologies depending on the application .

  26. 目前,低速率和高压缩比的语音和视频编解码技术已经成熟,使得多媒体数据在10M/100M以太网络上传输成为可能。

    At present , low rate and high compression ratio encoding / decoding technology has been nature . They make it possible to transmit multimedia data in 10M / 100 M Ethernet .

  27. 新世纪以来,随着编解码技术本身的进步和芯片集成度、计算速度实现条件的发展,数字音视频编解码技术标准面临更新换代的历史性机遇。

    Since this century , with the great development of the codec technology , the rapid development in IC and computing technology , the digital audio and video coding standard is facing with a historic opportunity .

  28. 随着移动通信技术、视频编解码技术、视频压缩技术的不断发展,移动视频流业务的需求正呈爆炸式增长,其性能评估的重要性日益突显。

    With the development of mobile communication technology , video codec technology and video compression technology , the demand of mobile video streaming is on the explosive growth thus highlights the growing importance of performance evaluation .

  29. 数字视频编解码技术和超大规模集成电路技术的迅猛发展使得视频解码芯片及其应用越来越广泛,视频解码芯片呈现出广阔的市场空间和发展前景。

    The rapid development of digital video decoding technology and Very Large Scale Integrated circuit technology makes video decoding chip applied more and more widely , video decoding chip presents a broad market space and development prospects .

  30. 进入新世纪以来,随着音视频编解码技术的进步和超大规模集成电路集成度、计算速度的提高,信源编码标准迎来了更新换代的历史性机遇。

    In the new century , depending on the improvement of audio-visual coding technique and the enhancement of integration degree and processing speed of VLSI implementation , source coding standards get the best chance of being upgraded .